ZSE CEO hails inaugural issuers training programme

The Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE) says the Prospective Issuers Training Programme (PITP) it held between April and June this year, was a success considering the diverse attraction of businesses from key sectors of the Zimbabwean economy.

According to the ZSE chief executive officer Justin Bgoni, the programme sought to demystify the listing process and entice more companies to list.

The PITP saw a line-up of industry experts offering guidance, support, and mentorship to potential issuers, equipping them with the skills and knowledge on how to sell their stories to investors.

Mr Bgoni expressed satisfaction with the initial cohort of the PITP as the three-session curriculum and line-up of expert speakers were well received by the participating companies.

The attendees responded favourably to the programme, underscoring the crucial aspects that proved most beneficial to them.

These included gaining a deeper understanding of the listing procedures, strategies of raising capital on the exchange as well as how to pitch their business to prospective investors.

“We are happy to have received positive feedback from the participants, highlighting the key areas they benefited from throughout the three sessions,” Mr Bgoni said.

The initiative proved effective in empowering the participating companies with the necessary skills and insights on procedures involved in listing on the exchange.

The programme is part of the exchange’s broader efforts to encourage more companies to go public and the ZSE leadership recognises that the process of listing a company on the exchange is not an overnight endeavour.

“We hope that we have managed to shorten it for potential issuers by equipping them with the knowledge of what is required of them as they embark on their listing journey,” added Mr Bgoni.

It is through the selection process, combined with the participation of industry professionals in the programme that has served to bolster investor confidence in Zimbabwe’s capital markets.

“In addition, the structure of the programme entailed practical sessions ensuring that the potential issuers received comprehensive guidance and support as they embark on the listing process.

“The training programme was also administered by industry experts with vast experience within the capital markets ecosystem,” said the ZSE CEO.

Aimed to demystify the listing process, the PITP also addressed key challenges faced by participants such as lack of knowledge and fear of the unknown.

PITP also facilitated connections between the participating companies and a range of industry specialists critical to the listing process.

This included sponsoring brokers, financial advisors, asset managers and auditors, and, by bringing these key players together, PITP enabled continued dialogue and collaboration between issuers including these experts even after the programme’s completion.

“We believe that we managed to equip potential issuers with the knowledge, benefits, and process of listing on the exchange,” according to Mr Bgoni.

Moving on, the ZSE plans to modify the programme’s content for each new group based on what was learnt from the previous participants to ensure that the programme continues providing value to companies interested in listing.

The ZSE has recognised the need to make the listing and investment process more straightforward.

Additionally, the Exchange sees the importance of ongoing engagement and cultivating an entrepreneurial culture that is receptive to going public.-herald

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