Zinwa reviews water tariffs

The Zimbabwe National Water Authority (Zinwa) has reviewed tariffs upwards starting this month in response to increases in costs of key resources.

The new tariffs are applicable to both treated and raw water.
In a statement, Zinwa confirmed the development saying it was guided by the need to strike a balance between service provision and affordability.

“Pursuant to the interim tariff announced in November, 2021, the Zimbabwe National Water Authority wishes to advise its valued clients and stakeholders that it has reviewed tariffs with effect from January 1, 2022.

“The revision of the tariffs is in response to the sharp increases in the cost of key water resources management inputs such as electricity, fuel, spares, water treatment chemicals and other obligations in recent months,” said Zinwa.

For raw water, Zinwa has increased tariffs for the commercial agriculture A2 farmers, local authorities and industry from the interim charge of $898,35 per mega litre to $1 122, 94ML while communal farmers will now pay $168,44 up from $134,75/ML.

A1 farmers who were paying $170,69 will now pay $168,44 while commercial agriculture (estates) will now pay $1 515, 96 per mega litre up from last year’s charge of $1 212,77.

The mining sector will now pay $11 229,36 an increase from November’s tariff of $8 983, 49 per ML.

For domestic use, Zinwa is now charging $73,09 per cubic metre for 1-10 cubic metre band up from $58,47. From 21-30 cubic metres, users will now pay $126,69 from last year’s $101,35 per cubic metre. For a band above 50 cubic metres, users will now pay $151,06 compared up from $120,85 per cubic metre last year.

Government has been paying $93,56 per cubic metre for 1-10 cubic metre band and will now pay $116,95 and $155,93 for a band above 50 cubic metres.

Parastatals will pay $165, 67 up from $132,54 per cubic metre while schools, churches and institutions will now pay $107,20 cubic metre for a 1-25 cubic metre band, $116,95 per cubic metre for 26-50 cubic metre band and $146,18 per cubic metre for 51-100 cubic metres.

For above 100 cubic metres, schools, churches and institutions will now pay $155,93 per cubic metre.
Mines will pay $194,91, up from $155,93 per cubic metre while business will pay $107,20 from $85,76 for 1-25 cubic metre band and $194,91 for above 100 cubic metre band up from $155,93. -The Herald

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