Zinara licence blitz nets 451 cars

The Zimbabwe National Road Administration (Zinara) is redoubling efforts to ensure increased compliance with vehicle licensing regulations and payments to enhance resource mobilisation.

A recent joint operation with the Zimbabwe Republic Police, City of Harare, Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (Zimra) and the Vehicle Theft Squad netted 451 unlicensed cars in three days.

Offenders had to pay spot fines to renew their licence discs. The administration disbursed $143,3 million for road maintenance countrywide during the first six months of the year. Beneficiaries of the funds included the Department of Roads in the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development, District Development Fund, and urban and rural district councils. Zinara public relations and marketing manager Mr Tendai Mugabe confirmed on Friday that the blitz will run for a month in Harare before covering other towns and cities.

“We are doing a combined blitz and so far the compliance level is pleasing and encouraging,” he said.

“We have so far netted 451 motorists . . . The only challenge that we are facing now is that there is a considerable number of motorists who want to pay using US dollars.

“Those are difficult to deal with because we are not allowed to collect or receive payments in US dollars. We are urging members of the public to continue cooperating with teams on the ground and ensure that their cars are licensed.”

Three teams have been deployed in Harare for the exercise.

“We have opened a number of online licensing platforms that the motoring public can make use of. These platforms are convenient and save them time to visit our offices or those of our agents. . . In line with the President’s vision, we want to see a world-class road network in our country. That is only achievable if motorists comply with the law and pay their vehicle licence fees,” said Mr Mugabe.

“Currently, there are several road projects that are underway in various parts of the country. Our target is to increase disbursements to road authorities because we believe that a good road network is a key economic enabler in terms of the movement of goods and people.”

Extensive roadworks are currently underway around the country in order to facilitate ease of movement, as well as trade and commerce.-sundaymail.co.zw

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