ZimTrade to showcase local produce to UAE buyers

ZimTrade says the upcoming Zimbabwe-United Arab Emirates (UAE) Business Forum, has the potential to significantly increase Zimbabwe’s tea and coffee exports, fostering economic growth within the sector.

Scheduled for August 6-8, 2024 in Harare, the business forum is said to provide local producers with a platform to display their high quality tea and coffee products, thereby drawing the interest of UAE buyers who appreciate exceptional and sustainable beverages.

Among the prominent organisations expected from the UAE is a commodities exchange free zone operated by the Government of Dubai Authority, which specialises in commodity trading and market trends, particularly in agricultural products such as tea, coffee, cocoa and grains.

With support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, ZimTrade is facilitating for leading buyers from the UAE to engage with local companies during this Business Forum.

“Their visit will help producers in the tea and coffee sector get a better understanding of consumer preferences, demand trends and pricing dynamics in international markets,” according to ZimTrade in a press statement.

This event will bring together 14 UAE based buyers who are also expected to undertake company visits within the eastern region of Zimbabwe in addition to the business forum with the purpose to explore new market opportunities for Zimbabwean tea and coffee products in the Middle East and other regions.

The Forum aims to foster collaboration, facilitate networking, and promote business linkages between the two nations, ultimately contributing to the economic growth of Zimbabwe.

According to the press statement, the business forum is anticipated to provide an excellent opportunity for the promotion of diverse processed food products, fresh fruits and vegetables, tea, and coffee which will serve as a platform for local exporters to showcase their top quality produce and establish profitable trade partnerships with buyers from the UAE.

“Building on the country’s rich agricultural resources, local businesses can highlight the quality and natural goodness of Zimbabwean products, capturing the interest of UAE buyers who seek unique and healthy food offerings,” said ZimTrade.

By this, Zimbabwean horticultural exporters can leverage this opportunity to contribute to the country’s economic growth and establish a strong presence in the UAE’s thriving agricultural importing market.

“Further to this, the Forum will serve as a catalyst for enhancing the competitiveness of Zimbabwe’s export sector on a global scale,” added ZimTrade.

In the same light it offers a platform for sharing knowledge, insight into global market trends, and understanding of buyer needs and expectations, which can help Zimbabwean exporters enhance production, packaging and quality to align with international standards and regulations.

“This engagement will ultimately contribute to the long-term sustainability and growth of Zimbabwe’s export industry.”

The press statement mentions recent statistics revealing the UAE becoming Zimbabwe’s second largest export destination after South Africa, establishing itself as a strategic trade hub that serves as a gateway to the broader Middle Eastern and North African markets.

Beyond its traditional mineral exports, Zimbabwe holds significant potential to expand its horticultural and processed food exports, including tea, coffee, fruits and vegetables, diversifying its trade profile.

“The strong performance of Zimbabwean exports to the UAE signifies economic growth and highlights the quality and appeal of our products on the international stage,” according to ZimTrade.-ebsinessweekl

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