ZimTrade facilitates organic certification. . . eyes EU market access for local markets

NATIONAL trade development and promotion body, ZimTrade is facilitating organic certification for local companies to help them access European markets.

ZimTrade is moving to take advantage of the momentum triggered by the economic diplomacy drive to penetrate more markets as it works towards attaining US$14 billion in trade by 2030 as espoused in the National Development Strategy 1 (NDS1).

European Union (EU) countries are on a drive to develop new business partnerships in Africa to increase total trade and investment between Africa and the EU.

ZimTrade says it will leverage this drive on the country’s economic diplomacy to diversify and grow exports in the EU by linking producers with importers of different products.

ZimTrade said organic produce is in high demand across the world and local producers need organic certification for them to access the international market.

“Organic produce is in high demand across the world. We concluded the ZimTrade facilitated organic certification audit for the Nyanyadzi honey cluster and close to 100 smallholder farmers will get access to European markets through this audit process,” ZimTrade said on its X, formerly Twitter) timeline.

The trade promotion body has introduced the cluster initiative, which seeks to bring people together to produce for the export market.

The cluster initiative complements the Government’s devolution programme and seeks to increase the contribution of all districts to the national economy.

To increase the contribution of all districts to national exports, ZimTrade is also identifying areas that enjoy the competitive and comparative advantage, creating and capacitating export-focused groups.

The art and craft sector, horticulture and honey production are among the clusters that have been created by ZimTrde and have started bearing fruits.


Continued interest in the market for Zimbabwean goods has encouraged further market surveys in the Middle East and ZimTrade continues to conduct and search for new markets as it seeks to diversify export markets for local goods.

Meanwhile, ZimTrade has said the Ndiadzo Pineapple cluster in Rusitu Valley signed its cooperation agreement with ColeAD on Thursday.

It said the farmers stand to benefit from capacity development which will ultimately foster export compliance of their products.

ColeAD is a network of companies, professional organisations and experts committed to inclusive and sustainable agriculture.

As a private sector organisation, its purpose is to support activities aimed at increasing the agricultural sector’s contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. –-chronicle.co.zw

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