Zimstat compiles provincial economy statistics

THE Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency (Zimstat) has started compiling devolution statistics including provincial Gross Domestic Product (PGDP reports aimed at assisting key decision making.

The agency has since urged stakeholders in different sectors to make use of the country’s 10 administrative provinces when submitting data to relevant authorities.

In line with the Government’s policy thrust on devolution and decentralisation, Zimstat has started compiling devolution statistics for the period 2012 to 2018.

The agency used the hybrid approach, which is based on data from surveys and administrative sources to compile provincial GDP statistics.

“Currently, some data providers do not make use of the 10 administrative provinces when submitting data to the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (Zimra) and Zimstat,” it said.

“Instead, they use regions such as northern, southern and eastern. This is giving Zimstat challenges in compiling provincial and district GDP,” said the agency in a statement.

“Going forward, to make our figures more robust we need to use the output approach.”

The output method requires use of turnovers or sales data of all establishments in the provinces and districts.

“Zimstat is kindly requesting all public and private establishments to provide data by province and district,” said the agency.

Establishments such as line ministries, Government departments and agencies, business membership organisations, private companies, churches, mission schools and hospitals, non-governmental organisations, political parties and
various business clubs, are requested to heed this call.

Zimstat said data by province and district would expedite compilation of devolution statistics including provincial GDP.-chronicle.c.zw

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