Zimra introduces new clearance system

Zimra yesterday introduced a pre-clearance system for all vehicle imports and goods imported by road.

Under the facility, customs import procedures are completed before the traveller or import arrives at the selected port of entry.

Upon arrival, the goods are only checked for conformity and this reduces the time spent by importers at the country’s borders.

This is opposed to a system where the processing of customs documents is done by a traveller or importer upon reaching the port of entry.

Zimra announced the latest development in a public notice yesterday.

“With effect from 1 November 2020, importers are advised that goods imported by road into Zimbabwe must be pre-cleared before their arrival,” read the notice.

“All privately imported motor vehicles driven or transported by car carriers must be pre-cleared before they are dispatched to Zimbabwe.”

Under the new system, importers or their appointed agents are expected to submit online scanned copies of invoices, bill of lading, export documents, proof of payment, freight statement, copy of passport, police clearance and a letter of rebate where applicable.

In addition, they should also send any other relevant documents relating to the import to enable customs officers to calculate values and advise them of the customs duty payable.

Zimra said where duties were exempted because of the non-duty paying regimes such as rebate, the necessary processes would be done and the importer would be advised.

“Motor vehicles can only be loaded onto carriers or driven into the country when the relevant processes have been completed, including the payment of duties, where applicable,” said the revenue collector.

“Clearance details must be sent to the carrier to enable them to load vehicles. Please take note that carriers have been notified of this requirement.’’

All imported vehicles would be subjected to compliance checks before the customs clearance certificate is processed and issued.

Failure to pre-clear a vehicle or providing false information to Zimra would be treated as an offence under the new regime.-heralc..zw

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