Zimbabwe to ratify African Risk Capacity treaty

In a significant move toward strengthening disaster resilience, Zimbabwe is on the brink of ratifying the African Risk Capacity (ARC) treaty, which promises to bolster its capacity to manage natural disasters effectively.

The ARC, an African Union initiative, offers a pan-African solution to natural disaster risks, providing financial tools and technical assistance to help member states cope with the impacts of climate change.

Ratification of the treaty by Zimbabwe would mark a major milestone in the country’s efforts to enhance its disaster preparedness and response mechanisms. The ARC’s offerings include insurance services that provide quick payouts to countries affected by natural disasters, ensuring that they have the necessary funds to address immediate needs and begin recovery efforts promptly.

“Ratifying the treaty not only ensures Zimbabwe’s continued benefit from ARC’s capacity-building activities and insurance services but also supports ARC’s sustainability and operational strength,” emphasised Dr Mothae Anthony Dr. Maruping, highlighting the dual benefit of the treaty for both Zimbabwe and the ARC itself.

The urgency of ratifying the treaty by April 2025 cannot be overstated. Failure to do so would result in Zimbabwe losing access to these critical services, which are instrumental in mitigating the devastating impacts of natural disasters such as droughts, floods and cyclones.

These events have historically taken a significant toll on Zimbabwe’s economy, agricultural productivity and food security, making the ARC’s support invaluable.

Dr. Maruping elaborated; “As members must ratify the treaty by April 2025 to maintain access to these valuable services, it is crucial to act swiftly and decisively.” This statement underscores the pressing need for Zimbabwe to formalise its commitment to the ARC, ensuring that it remains in a strong position to leverage the organisation’s resources and expertise.

The benefits of ARC membership extend beyond immediate financial relief. The capacity-building activities offered by ARC help member states develop and implement effective disaster risk management strategies.

This includes improving early warning systems, risk assessment methodologies, and contingency planning. For Zimbabwe, a country that has faced significant challenges related to climate change and environmental degradation, these resources are essential for building long-term resilience.

By ratifying the ARC treaty, Zimbabwe will not only safeguard its access to crucial financial and technical support but also contribute to the collective strength and sustainability of the ARC.

This move aligns with Zimbabwe’s broader goals of enhancing its disaster management capabilities and ensuring the well-being of its population in the face of increasingly frequent and severe natural disasters.

Zimbabwe stands at a pivotal moment in its disaster risk management journey. Ratifying the ARC treaty by the April 2025 deadline will secure vital support for the country and reinforce the ARC’s mission to build a more resilient Africa.

Dr. Maruping’s call to action serves as a timely reminder of the importance of swift and decisive action to safeguard Zimbabwe’s future.-ebsinessweekl

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