Zimbabwe products excite buyers at Maputo trade fair

ZIMBABWEAN products are a prime attraction for buyers at the Maputo International Trade Fair (Facim), underway in Mozambique.

The fair, which kicked off on August 26 and ends on September 1, has seen a strong interest in Zimbabwean goods, with buyers acknowledging the superior quality of the products on display.

Buyers indicated a keen interest in sourcing products from Zimbabwean suppliers who can maintain consistency and match prices already established in the Mozambican market.

The interest spans several sectors, including processed foods, building and construction materials, fast-moving consumer goods, clothing and textiles, pharmaceuticals, engineering, packaging, furniture and agricultural inputs and implements.

ZimTrade communications manager, Mr Danai Majaha, who is part of the country’s exhibitors, noted the positive response from the first few days of the trade fair.


“The response to Zimbabwean products at this year’s Facim has been positive and some participating companies are already discussing order requirements with distributors in Mozambique,” he said.

“It’s clear that our goods are resonating with the Mozambican market and this is a strong indicator of the potential for growth in our export sectors.”

Mr Majaha said ongoing discussions are proof that Zimbabwean products are of good quality and standards required by buyers in Mozambique.

“We are encouraged by the initial discussions between Zimbabwean exporters and Mozambican distributors. Our manufacturers have shown that they can produce goods that meet the expectations of consumers in Mozambique and we are looking forward to export growth,” he added.

Mr Leonildo Silvas, a buyer at the fair, commended the quality of Zimbabwean products. “The quality of products on display from Zimbabwe is remarkable and we are happy to establish links with potential suppliers.

“The variety of products from Zimbabwe is impressive and their manufacturers cater to diverse needs and this is something that appeals to the Mozambican market,” he said.

“While the quality of the products is undeniable, the next step is ensuring that these goods can be delivered consistently as reliable supply chains will be crucial in making Zimbabwean products successful here in Mozambique,” said Mr Silvas.

Another buyer, Mr Felix Sitoe, expressed satisfaction with products from Zimbabwe. “I have tested some products, such as tea and I’m happy with the quality. The quality of packaging of Zimbabwean products is impressive, but success will also depend on branding, ensuring that language is Portuguese.”
The Mozambican market has shown particular interest in sectors where Zimbabwe also has a strong production base, such as clothing and textiles and agriculture inputs.

These sectors are viewed as areas where Zimbabwe can expand its exports to Mozambique, given the demand for high-quality products in these categories.

The success of Zimbabwean products at Facim underscores the potential for further growth in exports to Mozambique.

The positive reception at FACIM also highlights the importance of participation in international trade fairs as a means of promoting Zimbabwean products.

These events provide a platform for businesses to showcase their products to a wider audience, build relationships with potential buyers and explore new markets.

Zimbabwe’s participation at Facim, facilitated by the national trade development and promotion agency, ZimTrade, aligns with the economic diplomacy agenda being championed by President Mnangagwa, aimed at unlocking business opportunities through enhanced foreign relations with countries in the region.

The emphasis on economic diplomacy reflects a broader strategy by the Government to diversify its export markets and increase trade with neighbouring countries.

Mozambique is a key market in this strategy, given its proximity and the existing trade ties between the two countries.-chroncile

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