Zimbabwe on course to rejoin Commonwealth

Zimbabwe is on course to rejoin the Commonwealth following acknowledgement of progress the country has made in implementing political and economic reforms, Foreign Affairs and International Trade Deputy Minister, David Musabayana has said.

The Deputy Minister said this when he appeared before the Portfolio Committee of Foreign Affairs and International Trade to give an update on the progress the country has made in its re-engagement efforts as spelt out in the National Development Strategy 1.

“We had an assessment team from the Commonwealth that visited the country last year and their assessment report was very positive and acknowledged the progress Zimbabwe has made in implementing the economic and political reforms,” he said.

Deputy Minister said there were, however, a few countries that want Zimbabwe’s re-admission to be delayed until after the forthcoming harmonised elections.
He said the invitation extended to the country to attend the Commonwealth business forums in Rwanda and the UK was indicative of the progress Zimbabwe has made in its application to rejoin the grouping.

“The pointers are there that we are right on track to go back into the Commonwealth and a lot of member countries want us to rejoin,” he said.

Deputy Minister Musabayana said in their engagement and re-engagement efforts, the ministry was guided by President Mnangagwa’s mantra of being a “friend to all and enemy to none.”

Since the coming of the Second Republic, under President Mnangagwa in 2017, Zimbabwe has opened up to the world to enhance mutually beneficial relationships with other countries. -herald

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