Zimasco back on production mode

FERROCHROME producer, Zimasco, is preparing to resume production after a seven-month break induced by the Covid-19 disruption.

The company recently lit its furnaces and is preparing to commence operations with normal production expected anytime from now.

General manager marketing and administration, Ms Clara Sadomba, said the company has incurred losses during the Covid-19 break but would not disclose any figures.

“It would be difficult to assess or provide figures given that ferrochrome prices are based on the global market dynamics and most operations were either shut down or scaled down production due to lockdowns,” said Ms Sadomba.

During a recent media tour of the plant, Kwekwe division general manager, Mr Namatai Mapfumo said Zimasco was geared to pick the pieces despite the losses. “Just like any company, we were not spared by the effects of the Covid-19 but we are saying we are not going to stop at anything. We have put in place measures to ensure that our staffers are safe from the pandemic as we look at ways of forging ahead amid the pandemic,” he said.

Upon return to work after seven months, about 1 000 workers have been tested for Covid-19 and only four tested positive.

“Those who tested positive are either isolating at home or at an isolation centre that we created. Two of those have since recovered and we are not stopping at anything to ensure that our workers remain safe,” he said.

The media during the tour were briefed on measures being taken to protect workers from the deadly pandemic.

Besides mandatory testing and washing of hands, social distancing and vehicle fumigation were also being implemented. The company has directed non-essential staff to work from home.

“We want to ensure that workers feel safer at work than at home. We have done our best to ensure a safe environment at the workplace,” said Mr Mapfumo.

“We are still in the process of lighting our furnaces and production at the Kwekwe Eastern plant is expected to start once the furnaces are fully lit.”-chronicle.co.zw

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