Zim restaurateurs form association

A NEW Restaurant Operators’ Association of Zimbabwe (ROAZ) has been formed to represent restaurateurs from across Zimbabwe.

The representative body was officially formed at a recent special general meeting in Harare, which was convened for restaurateurs with the aim of creating a voice for the sub-sector on national level.

ROAZ is set to join the Tourism Business Council of Zimbabwe (TBCZ) as one of the critical sectoral associations.

“The association will work with TBCZ and other bodies such as the Hospitality Association of Zimbabwe and the Catering Employers’ Association of Zimbabwe to further the interests of professional restaurant operations across Zimbabwe,” the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority (ZTA) confirmed in its latest monthly update.

It said the new ROAZ presidium was made up of restaurateur and broadcaster, Bongai Zamuchiya, and deputy vice presidents, Karen Mutasa (restaurants) and Lawrence Nyamuziwa (larger franchise operations).

Zamuchiya was quoted as saying that the lockdown period made it relevant that restaurateurs should combine efforts and ensure unity in order to achieve certain objectives.

“This has resulted in the formation of ROAZ, which is determined to work ceaselessly and with vigour to create an enabling environment for restaurants,” he said.

“The association will also be able to protect the interests of customers of dining venues through the planned introduction of a code of conduct for members.”

A call for membership has been made and ROAZ is on a drive to attract members from all over Zimbabwe, including ordinary dining venues and affiliate or associate sectoral players.

“We shall work as an association on matters of special concern to restaurants and restaurateurs, and we shall work in collaboration with TBCZ and HAZ on matters of greater national or sector-wide concern,” said Zamchiya.

“We also look forward to working with the Zimbabwe Tourism authority, local authorities and all other bodies whose activities and interests affect the operation of restaurants in Zimbabwe.”-chronicle.co.zw

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