Zim hosts business ethics awards

ZIMBABWE is set to host its first business ethics awards reception in Harare on October 8, 2021.

“Running under the theme Celebrating Ethics in Action, the purpose of the awards is to honour Zimbabwe Stock Exchange-listed firms, State enterprises and parastatals that have shown exceptional commitment towards embedding strong ethical practices as part of their corporate governance and responsible management ecosystems” said Bradwell Mhonderwa, executive director at the Ethics Institute Zimbabwe (EIZ), the organisers of the awards.

“These ethics awards and survey reception is a first of its kind in Zimbabwe and it has taken us a number of years to prepare corporates for this unique and virtuous honour,” he said.

Mhonderwa said the EIZ’s thrust would be to help companies build a culture of responsible business conduct leveraged on strong ethics and inspired ethical leadership.

“In both the public and private sectors in Zimbabwe today, ethical standards fall way below regional and global standards, both in terms of practice and disclosure”, he said.

The objectives of the ethics awards include assessing the extent to which businesses are complying with the ethical requirements of ZIMCODE and the Public Entities Corporate Governance Act, including global standards.

Willard Manungo, secretary for state enterprises reform, corporate governance and procurement in the Office of The President and Cabinet, will be the guest of honour, while Mandivamba Rukuni, who is executive director of Barefoot Education for Africa Trust, will give the keynote address.

The ground-breaking awards are open to ZSE-listed firms and SOEs, but will be expanded in the future to incorporate other key sectors of the economy.

Mhonderwa said winners of the awards had been subjected to a tough adjudication process, with the assessment tool comprising 35 assessment questions. The ceremony will be attended by business leaders, investors and public officers.-newsday.co.zw

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