Zim Engineer elected into world board of engineers

ZIMBABWEAN engineer and energy expert, Engineer Martin Manuhwa, has been elected into the Executive Council of the World Federation of Engineering Organization (WFEO), becoming the first Zimbabwean to do so.

He will double as vice president and chair of the engineering capacity building technical services committee in the WFEO.

Eng Manuhwa who is also acting Ziscosteel board chair, was elected vice president of the WFEO during its recent general assembly held in San Jose, Costa Rica.

Engineering Council of Zimbabwe chief executive officer, Eng Ben Rafemoyo Zimbabwe’s representation at the global engineers’ body saying this was reflective of the impact made by the country’s skilled personnel on the global market.

“As ECZ we are elated by the election of one of our own as vice president of the WEFO, which means Zimbabwe will have a huge presence internationally,” he said.

“This shows that our professional engineers are being recognized globally through the hard work that they are carrying out.”

Eng Rafemoyo Zimbabwe has proved itself able to produce competitive engineers.

“Small as Zimbabwe is, we are now up there and being consulted in the decision-making processes of the engineering world. This indeed is a plus for the country,” he said.

Commenting, Eng Manuhwa said his appointment goes on to confirm the acceptance of Zimbabwe’s engineering education standards.

“My appointment into the WFEO Executive Council is a great recognition of the state of engineering not only Zimbabwe but Africa as a whole,” he said.

“It also opens up opportunities for many Zimbabwe engineering firms and professionals to engage with the rest of the world.”

Eng Manuhwa said the moment gives Zimbabwe the necessary voice at the pinnacle of engineering in the world towards adding capacity building.

He paid tribute to the Zimbabwe Institute of Engineering and the ECZ councils for the support they rendered him leading to his appointment.

During the same event, outgoing president Professor Gong Ke from China handed over the presidency to Professor Jose Vieira from Portugal.

Meanwhile, Eng Mustafa Shehu of Nigeria was elected president of the board also making him the first African to be elected into that position. Eng Mustafa Shehu is now set to take over in the Prague WFEO general assembly next year in October.

Eng Manuhwa is the immediate past president of the Federation of African Engineering Organizations (FAEO). At one time he was also president of ECZ. He is currently board chair for Chinhoyi University of Technology (CUT).

Eng Manuhwa is also a fellow of African Scientific Institute (ASI), a fellow of the Academy of Engineering and Technology of the Developing World (AETDEW) a foreign Fellow of the ASEAN Academy of Engineering and Technology.-eBusiness Weekly

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