Zim elected ADPA chair

Zimbabwe has been elected as the incoming chair of the African Diamond Producers Association (ADPA) for next year, following election as the vice chair of Kimberly Process Certification Scheme for the year, with both elections seen as successful steps in the reenegagement process and further endorsement of the Second Republic’s policies.

Zimbabwe’s engagement and re-engagement drive with all nations of the world.

Zimbabwe is currently a member of all the working groups and committees, with the exception of the committee on rules and procedures. This has further reinforced Zimbabwe’s profile and respect, said Minister Mutsvangwa. As ADPA chair, Zimbabwe will carry out the mandate of ensuring that African diamond producers present a united voice on the international diamond scene, promote cooperation and information sharing amongst ADPA member States, formulate strategies to improve the African diamond industry as well as engaging African countries who are not members of ADPA.

Minister Mutsvangwa noted that Zimbabwe’s election at the at the plenary meeting held in Moscow from November 8 to 12 as vice chair of the Kimberly Process Certification Scheme for next year should see under Kimberly Process practices that the the country would automatically take over the chair in 2023.

The Kimberly Process Certification Scheme was the core of the Kimberly Process, which is a multi-lateral trade regime established in 2003 by the United Nations General Council to prevent the flow of conflict diamonds with member states implementing control of shipments of rough diamonds and certifying diamonds as “conflict free”.

The KPCS works as a tripartite body with the current setup having the industry, a civil society coalition and governments working together.

Minister Mutsvangwa said Zimbabwe would immediately start preparations to take over as the KPCS chair and run the secretariat in 2023, and would prepate for the hosting of the two annual meetings of the KPCS in 2023, the intercessional and plenary.
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Cognisant that Zimbabwe will take over the chair in the year that the KPCS holds its review cycle, preparations in that regard will also commence, revealed Minister Mutsvangwa.

Minister Mutsvangwa also said the country would work on the establishment of a skeleton secretariat to start learning from other countries in hosting the chair and secretariat.

The assumption of the KPCS chair in 2023 will come at a time when the country expects its mining sector to have grown into a US$12 billion industry.-The Herald

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