Zim born entrepreneur appointed CodeLn Germany consultant

GERMANY-BASED consultancy company DeutschConnect, which is owned by a Zimbabwean-born entrepreneur Mr Kumbirai Chipadza, has been appointed CodeLn’s Germany Consultancy.

CodeLn is an end to end HR technology that helps stakeholders find, test, and hire skilled and verified African programmers seamlessly.

It was founded in 2018 and has an executive of distinguished innovators namely chief executive officer Ms Elohor Thomas, chief technology officer Ms Philisiah Mwaluma, chief procurement officer Mr Dexter Ouattara and chief operating officer Mr Dennis Nduta.

With a rich pool of over 13 000 skilled African tech talent from across Africa.

CodeLn has worked with notable clients and partners like Wikimedia, Microsoft, Xtech Cloud, Bank, etc, from within Africa, Europe, and the United States of America.

Speaking from his Germany base, Mr Chipadza said as a consultancy that links Southern African businesses and people to the German business ecosystem, this is a significant step in empowering young African talent.

“Africa is rising and CodeLn has shown that there is qualified tech talent that can compete at a global level.

“Our vision is to help these young developers get jobs and be able to contribute positively to the future success of Africa,” he said.

Mr Chipadza said they would be targeting Germany Mittelstand firms, international organisations and African Diaspora businesses in Europe.

“Our target is to unleash qualified software developers to register for free on the CodeLn platform so we urge the qualified personel to register,” he said.–chronicle.c.zw

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