Zim Agric Show geared for September

The 111th Zimbabwe Agricultural Society will be held from September 27 to October 1 with exhibitors and visitors expected to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19. Those not vaccinated will be expected to produce a Covid-19 test certificate from a test taken not later than 48 hours before the show.

The Zimbabwe Agricultural Society(ZAS) will also facilitate free tests at the entrance points.

ZAS chief executive, Dr Andrew Matibiri said the show will be held under the theme “Cooperate, Collaborate and Compliment and sub theme “Celebrating Unprecedented Growth.”

“The highlights of the show will include an exhibition in the mining Agri Village which will demonstrate the strong synergies between mining and the agriculture sector. The village is vibrant this year on the back of a good agricultural season and strong growth in mining due to firmer commodity prices.

“The Annual National Agribusiness Conference will be held on Wednesday September 29 on a virtual platform.

“The official opening will be held on September 30,” he said.-heralc.lz.

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