Youths critical to Vision 2030 attainment

GOVERNMENT expects the youth in the country to play a critical role towards attainment of an upper middle-income economy by 2030.

This will be achieved through supporting policy interventions aimed at creating an empowered youth, which is actively involved in national development.

In line with the inclusive development thrust under the new dispensation, Cabinet on Tuesday considered and approved the Revised National Youth Policy (2020 – 2025), which was presented by Vice President Kembo Mohadi as the chairperson of the Cabinet Committee on Social Services and Poverty Eradication. In her post-Cabinet media briefing Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister Monica Mutsvangwa said the Government was aware of the challenges facing the country’s youths and is committed to facilitating their empowerment and well-being.

The youth account for about 36 percent of the population, she said, and have the energy, creativity and ideas for developing the country.

“The youths will continue to play an integral role in the realisation of the national vision to transform the country into an upper middle-income economy by 2030,” said the minister.

Cabinet has been informed that wide stakeholder consultations were conducted across the country, which informed the proposed policy – anchored on four thematic areas.

These cover aspects such as education and skills development, employment and entrepreneurship, youth governance and participation and health and well-being. Fifteen additional strategic elements will be explored to achieve the total development of the youth, said Minister Mutsvangwa.

“Five of the strategic areas pay special attention to cross-cutting issues, namely: gender mainstreaming, inclusivity, information communication technology, data and research as well as youth co-ordination and mainstreaming,” she said.

“The policy has adopted the integrated multi-sectoral approach to youth development and empowerment, putting emphasis on mainstreaming youths in Zimbabwe by systematically integrating their issues into all development programmes and projects at all levels and within all sectors, both public and private.”

Guided by the new policy, Minister Mutsvangwa said the youth focus will be mainstreamed in all line ministries and relevant Government departments.

“The establishment of youth focal desks in Government departments will ensure that youth issues are mainstreamed in all facets of national development including having access to productive resources and opportunities in sectors such as agriculture, mining, tourism, manufacturing, sport, arts and recreation,” she said.

“The youth focal desks will facilitate operationalisation of provisions of Section 20 (1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe in terms of implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting by the respective line ministries, departments and agencies.”

Under the new thrust, the minister said local authorities will play a pivotal role in the establishment of youth interact centres, a youth-led project, which enables easy peer-to-peer knowledge exchange.

“The policy is consistent with the Constitution of Zimbabwe and major regional and international conventions and agreements that Zimbabwe is party to,” she said.

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