YNC and DYSA join forces to empower young entrepreneurs in Africa

YOUTH Network Connect (YNC) in Zimbabwe has partnered with Dear Youth South Africa (DYSA) unlock potential for young entrepreneurs through actively cultivating an environment where individuals can thrive in business.

YNC is a membership-based Zimbabwean flagship youth organisation working to unlock youth potential, leadership and to build entrepreneurship hubs for a prosperous nation by identifying, recognising, connecting and fostering cooperation and growth among the country’s vibrant, influential youth and their initiatives.

Its vision is to open societies in Zimbabwe and Africa that involve the holistic participation of young people and to promote their visibility in all cities through economic empowerment and entrepreneurship mentorship programmes.

On the other hand, DYSA run by Mr Sabelo Mkhize the founder and chairperson, is a pioneering non-profit organisation based in Durban, South Africa, dedicated to nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit, academic excellence and leadership potential of the youth in Durban.
Mr Mkhize said the partnership approach with YNC is rooted in providing practical opportunities for the youth, recognising that they hold the potential to drive significant positive change in their communities.

He said by fostering a supportive ecosystem, YNC and DYSA aim to empower young individuals, equipping them with the tools and resources necessary to navigate the entrepreneurial landscape successfully in Africa.
“Through this, we aspire to contribute not only to the personal growth of these individuals but also to the broader socio-economic development of the regions we touch,” said Mr Mkhize.
YNC managing director Mr Philimon Nyirenda told the Business Chronicle that empowering African youths through the partnership is not only a moral imperative but also an opportunity to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of African government systems.

He said by investing in youth entrepreneurial development, providing them with opportunities, and creating an enabling environment, the country can tap into their immense talent and potential.

“YNC has partnered with DYSA from South Africa Durban, following the Zimbabwe is Open for Business Ideology,” said Mr Nyirenda.

“YNC and DYSA partnership comes from a firm belief that the youth are pivotal in reshaping our African societies.

“Our initiatives will meticulously be crafted to offer tangible solutions to pressing challenges, with a specific focus on addressing youth unemployment and economic disparities.”

He said African youths have the power to drive innovation, foster creativity and lead positive change within the public sector.

“With increased collaboration and partnerships, targeting youth empowerment programmes, and a commitment to monitoring and evaluation, we can create a more inclusive and efficient government system,” he said.

“Empowering African youths is an investment in the future, and by harnessing their energy, passion, and fresh perspectives, we can create a brighter and more prosperous Africa for generations to come.”-chronicle

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