US$200m railroad rehabilitation underway

The Mozambique Ports and Railway Company (CFM) yesterday started to replace tracks on the railway line connecting the port city of Beira to Machipanda, on the border with landlocked Zimbabwe, as part of a US$200 million investment.

Speaking in Dondo district, in the central province of Sofala, where the launch ceremony was held, CFM board chairperson Miguel Matabel pledged that the railroad rehabilitation, which began last year, would be completed in 2022.

“We would like to entreat everyone to look at the project as a common benefit to all Mozambicans and avoid theft of railway equipment, because such a stance jeopardises its development,” he said.

Matabel said unlike the old tracks which could bear up to 40 kilograms per metre, the new ones could take up to 45 kilograms, thus boosting production and productivity.

The work underway consists of welding the ends of seven 18 metre tracks to form a single track that is 126 metres long, thus forming a more robust line, in line with international standards, allowing it to carry heavier cargo trains.

“We were using 60 tonne wagons, but from now on will use 80 tonne wagons”, said Matabel, describing the work as crucial to improving the capacity of the

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