Unlicensed LP gas traders warned

To avert tragedies of LP gas explosions in homes, the Environmental Management Agency has embarked on an extensive blitz against unlicensed retailers operating close to homes.

LP gas has become an alternative source of energy in urban and rural homes due to electricity load shedding and the conservation of forest drive.

Environmental Education and Publicist Officer Mr Maxwell Mupotsa said they have noticed with concern the rising number of unlicensed LP gas operators in and around Bindura.

He said LP gas traders are taking advantage of communal areas to set up their businesses without licenses.

“These traders are also getting the gas from unlicensed suppliers, which is of major concern to us. This poses a danger to end users of the gas,” he said.

“All LP gas traders must approach their local authority for allocation of space to trade and license.”

“After completion of all necessary processes with the local authority, they need to come to EMA for the hazardous substance license, inspection of storage and the sale of gas. They also need a ZERA license before they start selling the gas.”

Mr Mupotsa urged people to regularly service their gas tanks and stick to stipulated conditions of use.

He said they are checking on gas retailers in and around Bindura as well as surrounding farms.

“We inspect those who are selling gas, especially in residential areas. This poses a danger to members of the public because LP gas is hazardous and needs to be treated with caution,” he said.

Last year, a gas tank exploded in Bindura Brockdale suburb resulting in injuries.-herald

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