Tshinga Dube appointed to NRZ board

FORMER Cabinet Minister and freedom fighter, Colonel (Retired) Tshinga Dube, has been
appointed to the National Railways of Zimbabwe (NRZ) board.

The company announced the latest appointment by Transport and Infrastructural
Development Minister, Felix Mhona, on Friday.

It said Col Rtd Dube will serve for a three-year term ending December 6, 2025. An
induction ceremony for the new board member was held to familiarise him with the

“We are really excited as NRZ to have you as one of our board members. Our board is
hands-on in terms of ensuring that they keep the organisation running and the
management on their toes,” NRZ general manager, Ms Respina Ziyanduko, was quoted as

In response, Col Rtd Dube expressed appreciation for being roped into the parastatal’s

“Thank you for the introductions. I’m very happy to join the NRZ board and be part of
you in developing this company,” he said.

“I’ve been following what’s happening within the NRZ in the press, internet, and so
forth, and I think you have done very well so far.”

Ms Zinyanduko said as per the NRZ culture when a new board member is appointed,
meetings are convened so that the new member gets to know senior management and
their duties.

She said NRZ stood to benefit from Col Dube’s vast experience in Government, in
different boards, organisations, and interactions with other international players.

Rtd Col Dube, who holds a Master’s Degree in Electro-Tech from MADI Institute of
Technology in Moscow, Russia, said NRZ was critical in the development of the country
in the transport and logistics sector.-The Chronicle

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