Top Zim seed expert re-elected to ISTA

Dr Claid Mujaju, a top Zimbabwean seed expert has been re-elected for another term to serve on the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) executive Committee.

The seed expert, who is a director in the Department of Research and Specialist Services in the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Resettlement will represent Zimbabwe and Africa on the ISTA executive committee from 2022 to 2025.

Dr John Basera, permanent secretary of the ministry, hailed Dr Mujaju for his re-election saying it was a great recognition of the country.

“This too is a direct and positive recognition of our incredible seed systems and thus contributing at regional (SADC/COMESA), continental (AU Seeds and Biotechnology Programme) and global levels,” he said.

The International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) held its 33rd Congress in Cairo, Egypt from May 8 – 11 this year.

The congress attracted more than 100 representatives of the ISTA Community to discuss ideas, projects and plans.

Ms Necia Mutangabende, a seed testing quality manager and Dr Mujaju represented Zimbabwe at the congress.

The new ISTA executive committee will be heading the association for the full duration of its term, until 2025.

The International Seed Testing Association was founded in 1924 during the 4th International Seed Testing Congress that was held in Cambridge in the UK.

More than 130 of the Member Laboratories are accredited by ISTA and entitled to issue ISTA certificates.
Its membership is made up of seed scientists and analysts from universities, research centres and seed testing laboratories around the world.

ISTA works in developing standard seed testing methods, facilitates the trade of quality seeds and makes a valuable contribution to food security.

Zimbabwe is now Internationally recognised as an Official Seed Testing Station (ZW01) accredited for sampling, germination, purity and other seeds determination and moisture tests.

As a member of ISTA, Zimbabwe is guaranteed to increase and improve trade in quality seeds for imports and exports.

On July 12 this year, the ISTA secretary-general is expected to visit Zimbabwe to discuss seed testing and meet the designated authority in the country.-The Herald

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