Rwanda joins Kenya to initiate visa-free travel

According to data from the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, President Paul Kagame made the announcement in the capital city of Rwanda, Kigali. There, he promoted Africa’s potential as “a unified tourism destination” for a continent that still receives 60 percent of its visitors from outside of the continent.

“Any African, can get on a plane to Rwanda whenever they wish and they will not pay a thing to enter our country” the Rwandan president stated at the 23rd Global Summit of the World Travel and Tourism Council.

“We should not lose sight of our own continental market. Africans are the future of global tourism as our middle class continues to grow at a fast pace in the decades to come,” he added.

On Monday, President William Ruto of Kenya declared that by December 31, all Africans will be able to enter Kenya without a visa.

“By the end of this year, no African will need a visa to enter Kenya. The time has come to understand the importance of doing trade between us,” the Kenyan head of state declared.

“It is time we realise the importance of trading among ourselves and allowing goods, services, people, and ideas to move freely across the continent,” he added.

The African Union introduced the African passport in 2016, promising to “unleash the potential of the continent” in a manner comparable to that of the European Union. However, up until now, the travel document has only been granted to diplomats and AU officials. According to the African Union’s website, the African Passport and free movement of people are intended to “remove restrictions on Africans ability to travel, work, and live within their own continent.” – Business Insider Africa

The African Union also established the African Continental Free Trade Area, a free trade area spanning the whole continent with an estimated value of US$3,4 trillion. Its goals are to promote economic growth and provide a single, united market for the 1.3 billion people living on the continent. Business Insider Africa


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