Roadshow lures US investors

THE Minister of Finance and Economic Development, Professor Mthuli Ncube, has encouraged potential investors from the United States of America to take advantage of the country’s ongoing economic reform agenda to set up thriving businesses in Zimbabwe.

Since the coming in of the New Dispensation led by President Mnangagwa in 2017, the country has made significant strides in reforming the doing business environment, which has seen the country inch positively in global rankings.

Aided by the economic diplomacy stance under the international re-engagement drive, Zimbabwe is enhancing its attractiveness with progress endorsement from both domestic and foreign business leaders.

The comprehensive fiscal consolidation and monetary policy reviews implemented under the Transitional Stabilisation Programme (TSP), in the last two years, have been credited for bringing about economic predictability and price discovery, which are key indicators for business prosperity.

Over the weekend Prof Ncube held a virtual investor roadshow engagement with United States (US) potential investors where a range of economic issues were discussed.

Similar engagements have been conducted earlier with South African investors in Cape Town, and the initiative is set to continue targeting key sources of investment across the globe.

The weekend event was hosted by the Atlantic Council, an American think-tank based in Washington DC focused on international affairs and global economic prosperity.

“The Zimbabwe investor roadshow focused on Zimbabwe’s reform agenda and attracting investment post-Covid-19, with US and international companies represented on the panel to provide their own perspectives on doing business in Zimbabwe,” said Prof Ncube in a public update posted on his Twitter account.

“The Zimbabwe investor roadshow was oversubscribed with various United States investors, including Wall Street investors, US portfolio managers on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange, and American companies looking to invest in Zimbabwe.”

The engagement drew participation of high-level private sector panelists who included Mr Jaco Beyers, managing director of John Deere Africa Middle East, Mr Nyimpini Mabunda, chief executive officer for Southern Africa at General Electric and Mr Samuel Matsekete, group chief executive officer of Old Mutual Zimbabwe.

In addition to the American private sector, Prof Ncube said the US government also had representatives from White House and Department of State participating.

“The Zimbabwe roadshow highlighted investment opportunities in Zimbabwe and the continued effort and gains from economic reforms,” said the minister whose remarks were complimented by Mr Matsekete, and Mr Mabunda.

“Mr Nyimpini Mabunda and John Deere Africa CEO, Mr Jaco Beyers also provided a market update highlighting the positive impact of the economic reforms by the Government on their business ventures in Zimbabwe.”

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