Retailers applaud localised lockdowns

THE Confederation of Zimbabwe Retailers (CZR) has applauded Government for embarking on targeted lockdowns, as they allow other areas without a high number of cases to operate.

Vice President and Health and Child Care Minister Constantino Chiwenga announced new lockdown regulations over the weekend which came into effect on Monday.

“We applaud the Government for embarking on targeted lockdowns instead of wholesale lockdowns. This will also give breathing space for businesses.

“However, CZR requests the Government to put timelines on when the measures would end for planning purposes like it has done in the past,” said the CZR president Mr Denford Mutashu in a statement.

He said CZR welcomes Government’s prompt response to a spike in cases as this will protect lives.

“The new measures are necessary in light of the rising new cases. President Mnangagwa is on record saying it is better to save people as the economy would be resuscitated later.

“As CZR, we embrace the measures and pledge that we will limit the number of clients in our shops as per the directive,” said Mr Mutashu.

Under the new regulations, all gatherings except funerals have been banned.

Companies have been directed to decongest their staff by 50 percent while workshops have also been banned.

Restaurants are serving takeaways only as no sit-in customers are allowed.

Beer halls and nightclubs remain closed while bottle stores will operate from 10am to 4pm with retailers and shops operating from 8am to 6pm.-herald.clz.w

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