Restaurants offered as vaccination sites

The Restaurant Operators’ Association of Zimbabwe (ROAZ) has offered the use of their members’ premises as vaccination points countrywide.

In a statement yesterday, ROAZ president Mr Bongai Zamchiya said the restaurant trade had been at the forefront of supporting the vaccination programme since its inception earlier this year and over 95 percent of staff in restaurants across the country were now fully vaccinated.

“This, together with the fact that restaurant premises are among the most hygienic and well-managed of all business operations, makes restaurant venues suitable for vaccination activities for the public, and almost all of our members have the ability to provide such space in support of the national drive to increase the level of vaccinations among the public,” he said.

Mr Zamchiya said members of ROAZ had played a positive role in the fight against Covid19 and hoped that no further closure of operations would again take place.

“Member restaurants of ROAZ are well-managed and are centres of excellence in terms of the protocols applied to combat Covid, and I wish to commend our members for their ongoing compliance and leadership in this regard.”

Restaurants that are not members of ROAZ have been advised to provide the same support for the national Covid-19 fight.

In the last 20 months, restaurants have on a number of occasions been closed for sitdown dinners, as a way to prevent the spread of the pandemic.

The restaurant trade has been hit hard by the closures and is fighting to return to viability after re-opening three months ago.

“It is our hope that operational status is maintained and we on our part, will fully support all measures to contain and eradicate Covid-19.

“Our members can assist with venues and with a measure of financial support for logistics and staff costs related to the vaccination programme. We encourage active participation in the vaccination programme by all Zimbabweans and if we can play a role in helping to facilitate that we shall do so happily.

“We have for 20 months been either partially operational or closed and it has been tough for the trade, but if we can be allowed to remain open to sit-down diners in situations of adherence to accepted international practices then we can be sure that we can both maintain viability and help prevent the spread of Covid-19,” he said.-The Herald

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