Residents reject Masvingo council rates

RESIDENTS in Masvingo have challenged the recently approved city budget that will see them paying more than $2 000 in rates per month in high density suburbs.

The local authority is under pressure with residents demanding an explanation on the increase since the council is also failing to provide smooth service delivery. Masvingo Urban Residents Ratepayers Association (MURRA) spokesperson Mr Godfrey Mtimba said residents have been shocked that council went on to submit a budget, which they had rejected, to the Ministry of Local Government and Public Works for approval.

“As residents we are really angry. We are very concerned by the recently approved budget for Masvingo City Council 2021. As the residents we say this is unaffordable.

We cannot afford such high bills at a time we are trying to make ends meet due to the current economic situation as well as the Covid-19 lockdown. We rejected this budget during the budget consultation meetings and went further to write objection letters and submitted them to council in line with the Urban Councils Act.

We have written a letter to the city council expressing our concern and displeasure and they have replied and we are looking forward to engaging them very soon. After that we are contemplating other forms of action that include legal action and boycott.”

In a letter to the local authority, the representative body said salaries of the residents have not increased and the bills were too expensive. “We note with concern the exorbitant increase in the rates leviable by yourself to our said clients of over 450 percent. While we appreciate that there is a need for you to raise adequate funds to finance the proper service delivery in our beautiful city,

“We strongly feel that the skyrocketed figures come at time when the residents and ratepayers are generally struggling economically as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic,” read part of the letter dated 2 March. “The salaries for residents and incomes for rate-payers have not been increasing of late and so the perpetual upward reviewing of water related levies makes it too expensive for an ordinary person to afford.

Even more appalling to logic over 70 objections to your budget were raised by residents and ratepayers clearly and unequivocally stating that your budget was way beyond their capacity and you chose to ignore those objections. By this letter, we demand that you advise the people of Masvingo of the reasons why you found their objections to be of no substance.”

The residents association recommended that the local authority engage in other various fundraising projects to raise money rather than burdening the poor residents. “Transparency in the running of council properties capable of being rented out is also key in resolving the financial problems. We further recommend that you do convene an urgent consultative meeting with MURRA and the business community.”

According to the approved budget, the minimum charges for the high-density residents including value added tax (vat) is $2 630.56, $8 466.22 for commercial and $2 860.56 for low density houses.-sundaynews

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