Regional museum to boost sports tourism

The proposed regional sports museum to be housed at the National Sports Stadium, is primed to earn the country millions of dollars through sports tourism.

Zimbabwe won the bid to host the museum ahead of Zambia who had also expressed their interest in housing the project that is being funded by the African Union Sports Council Region Five (AUSCR5).

The National Sports Stadium is currently under renovation with the Government injecting close to $13 million for the upgrade.

The sprucing-up will as well include the structures intended for use for the museum that will accommodate the exhibitions of all 10 countries under the AUSCR5 auspices.

All the work and furnishing of the heritage facility is expected to be finalised once things return to normal.

The museum would have been opened some months ago, but logistical challenges created by the Covid-19 pandemic meant stakeholders had to shelve the grand commissioning.

Deputy Minister of Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation Tino Machakaire, said the museum will earn the country millions of dollars once opened.

“We have always said that proper infrastructure is key for sport business.

“We are glad to have won the bid to house the regional sports museum and the potential in it is vast,” said Machakaire.

“The project is magnificent so to say. We have preached a lot on sports tourism and we continue to preach that same gospel.

“The museum, which will have exhibitions from about 10 countries, will see sports tourists flocking in Zimbabwe for that.

“School children will all be visiting the country on educational tours and we are glad we won the million-dollar bid to host the project.

“Look, we will have memorabilia and other projects to do with the likes of the greatest Olympiad to emerge from Africa who happens to be my boss (Minister of Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation) Kirsty Coventry, Peter Ndlovu, Artwell Mandaza, Kalusha Bwalya, Bennie McCarthy among others.

“People from around the world will obviously descend on Zimbabwe thereby earning the country the much-needed foreign currency.”

Machakaire said related businesses will also benefit from these tourists with hospitality and transport industries also set to benefit immensely from the establishment of the sports museum.

He said the project will attract not only foreign tourists but domestic people will also help out in boosting its vibrancy.

AUSCR5 chairman, Vetumbuavi Veii, and CEO, Stanley Mutoya have made initial visits at the proposed site and gave their thumbs up. The museum will reflect the full history of the region.

Activities such as exhibitions for the member states will also take place. It would also provide an opportunity for Zimbabwe to showcase the country’s capabilities, achievements and outstanding personalities in various sporting disciplines such as football, rugby, swimming, boxing and athletics among others.

Sport is slowly becoming a reliable money-making industry and the museum will help athletes who are outstanding get the much-needed

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