Proplastics to install substantial solar generation plant

Listed piping systems producer, Proplastics Limited is within the next six months expected to install a substantial solar generation plant to augment the availability of power supply and minimise operational downtime and reduce production costs.

Proplastics is Zimbabwe’s leading plastic pipe manufacturer, specialising in the manufacturing of Polyvinyl Chloride, High-Density Polyethylene, Low-Density Polyethylene pipes and related fittings.

The pipes are manufactured for various applications in irrigation, water and sewer reticulation, mining, telecommunications and building construction.

Group chairman, Mr Gregory Sebborn said in the period under review, power cuts resulted in severe production interruptions including factory closures in some instances and heavy reliance on the use of the expensive standby generator.

He said the business lost a total of 21 days of production due to power cuts in the period under review.

To that end, he said the board has approved the solar generation project. “As a result of the ongoing and significant load shedding experienced over the past year, the board has approved the installation of a substantial solar generation project to augment the availability of power supply and to minimise operational downtime and reduce production costs. This project will be implemented over the next six months and should improve the carbon footprint of the Group,” he said.

However, the magnitude of the project was not indicated.

Zimbabwe is boosting solar power and to a lesser extent hydropower, as part of a Government strategy to reduce energy-related emissions by about a third by the end of 2030.

Solar investments, even at household levels are gaining momentum in the country.

According to the preliminary 2022 Population and Housing Census report, 30 percent of households now use off-grid electricity.

The total number of people using off-grid power stood at about 1,1 million, almost a third of the households in Zimbabwe.

The group turnover grew by 23 percent to US$10,5 million from US$8,5 million in the prior year on the back of a 19 percent increase in sales volumes over the same period.-chronicle

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