Prominent businesswoman ventures into tourism

PROMINENT entrepreneur, Dr Divine Ndhlukula, who is the founder and managing director of Securico Security Services has ventured into tourism where she is putting up an eco-tourism resort in Featherstone, Mashonaland East, with plans to replicate the project in other tourism resorts countrywide.

Dr Ndhlukula founded DDNS Security Operations (Private) LTD in 1998, which later became known as Securico, and is a holding company for Canine Dog Services in 2005 and Multi-Link (Pvt) Ltd.

Together with her children, the family has converted part of its farm, which it acquired in 1992 into a tourism resort to be named Pachena Resorts.

The facility takes its name from Pachena Dam, which Dr Ndhlukula constructed in the farm. The project buttresses the Government’s devolution and decentralisation agenda under which all provinces are expected to come up with provincial development plans to guide their economic activity and identify low-hanging fruits they can beneficiate to enhance growth by reducing exportation of raw products.

With regards to tourism, Government, through the Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry is working on programmes including provincial tourism conferences that can promote domestic tourism in respective provinces.

The programme is premised on the ZimBHO #IZimYami #Vakatsha campaign, which is spearheaded by the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority (ZTA).

Dr Ndhlukula told Business Chronicle that the dam in her cattle and goat-producing farm is suitable for tourism.

“We are also going to be starting an eco-tourism resort at the farm in Featherstone. My daughters are working on that project and I am supporting them because I put up a dam and we felt that we could do that business,” she said.

He daughter, Ms Chiedza Mahovo, who is Pachena Resorts co-founder and managing director, said the facility will be ready for occupation and activities in September this year.

“Right now, we are doing all construction work getting ready for September or October occupancy. We will have a mix of 2-star and 3-star tented accommodation, which will either be double rooms or family rooms.

“As we expand, we will then introduce chalets, which will be around 3-star as well as overlooking the man-made dam,” said Ms Mahovo.

“We have land on the farm hence we are doing it there. However, if we have access to more land across the country or even Africa, I am sure we can replicate the concept,” she said.

The resort will have tents and chalets nestled under the thicket of the natural environment surrounded by indigenous trees. Pachena Dam is used for fishing and other water recreational activities.

The idea of Pachena Resorts is to give tourists an alternative all-nature-based experience so they enjoy a pristine environment and traditional cultures of surrounding communities.

The facility plans to provide a true African experience with natural food dishes while offering the highest nutritional value.

The project will also benefit the local community with solar-powered electricity, water, and other corporate social responsibility projects, as well as enhance environmental conservation activities.

“Pachena is currently under construction and in the initial stages. We are forecasting this will run through the next couple of months and endeavoring to start operations in September. In the future, we anticipate to bring wild game like the zebras, impalas, antelopes, eland and giraffes.

“We will bring in other activities such as zipline, quad biking, canoeing, and game drives. We will also offer a functions next year for birthday parties and weddings,” she said. — chronicle

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