Procrastination is the thief of time, aspiring entrepreneurs told

MEDIA entrepreneur, Supa Mandiwanzira has encouraged aspiring businesspeople to desist from procrastination when intending to start a business venture.

Mr Mandiwanzira said this while lecturing a group of budding entrepreneurs that assembled for the Venon Chamba Business Seminar on Tuesday.

He emphasised that the initial stage is the main challenge when entering the world of entrepreneurship, but once the momentum is gained, everything falls into place.

The renowned media persona said many ideas die because their proprietors will be waiting for a perfect moment to start but the time never comes.

Mr Mandiwanzira stressed the importance of taking the first step saying starting a business requires courage and everything would fall in place once underway.

“The most difficult thing is to get started, once you get started, it’s game over. If you can get past the first hurdle, anything else is easy.

“So if you ever have a vision, if you ever have an aspiration, something you really want to do, get started. Many fail because they will not be ready, and to be honest, you can never be ready.

“So, the most important thing you must always remember is that you can do anything, and you need just the courage to get started. I’m telling you, once you get started, you will never stop because you are always inspired by seeking progress. The little progress you have done is the biggest motivator to anything else that you want to do,” said Mr Mandiwanzira.

He said he was hurt by the massive exodus of youths to Europe, Australia and other Western countries while Zimbabwe has a lot to offer, adding that many youths with entrepreneurial spirit were being let down by the unavailability of mentors to give them requisite knowledge about entrepreneurship.

Mr Mandiwanzira said lack of exposure was making local people poor.

“A lot of people who want to do business have no one to follow. Or those that have done something in business have not had time or have not been allowed to share their experiences.”

He told the gathered entrepreneurs that money follows ideas and good ideas are found by exploring.

The budding entrepreneurs were also told to maintain a clean track record when conducting business to build trust and long-term links and relationships in business.

Mr Mandiwanzira is a past president of the Affirmative Action Group (AAG) and the founder of Zimbabwe’s only privately owned radio station, ZiFM Stereo through his company, AB Communications.

Budding entrepreneurs play a significant role in driving economic growth in any country, given their potential to bring fresh ideas and new perspectives to the marketplace, all of which drive innovation and competitiveness.

As such Pastor Chamba said he expects to continue hosting celebrated impresarios including Dr Philip Chiyangwa later this year.

Pastor Chamba believes that young people can be world leaders without limitations, and there is a need to provide a sustainable gateway between faith, and fortune-building among young business people.

The Venon Chamba Business Seminars have been held since last year and have grown exponentially to command a large audience across the country.

Last year he hosted several well-known guests including the property tycoon Mr Kenneth Sharpe, serial entrepreneur Dr Chamu Chiwanza banker Dr Nigel Chanakira, Mudiwa Hood and Mr Andy Hodges who came through to the seminar two months ago.-herald

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