President to meet business leaders

PRESIDENT Mnangagwa is expected to meet representatives from different business sectors in Harare next week to discuss investment opportunities, milestones achieved so far, and strategies to circumvent some of the challenges facing the economy.

President Mnangagwa

Guided by the National Development Strategy (NDS1), Zimbabwe is forging ahead in transforming its economy towards an upper middle-income status by 2030.

Dubbed the “ED Mnangagwa Business Summit”, the conference is expected to attract a diversity of high-level delegates and would be held under the theme: “Enhancing Development Through Public-Private Sector Engagement for Prosperity”.

In a press statement yesterday, Confederation of Zimbabwe Retailers (CZR) president, Mr Denford Mutashu, who is one of the event organisers said the meeting will be held next week Friday (10 February 2023).

“His Excellency, the President, Dr E.D. Mnangagwa accepted the invite by the sector to meet business and deliberate on all matters affecting businesses,” he said.

“The essence of this high-level business summit is to highlight to the President opportunities and threats in the business environment and seek requisite Government intervention to assist businesses to continue growing.”

Mr Mutashu said the summit will focus on key economic drivers such as agribusiness, energy, infrastructure, mining, exports, financial services, new investments, and tourism.

“Delegates will be drawn from these important economic sectors listed above. The event augurs with the mantra ‘Zimbabwe is open for business’ and the continued re-engagement efforts by the Government,” said Mr Mutashu.

He said renowned business executives such as Mr Eddie Cross, Mr Emmanuel Fundira, industrialist Mr Busisa Moyo, Mr Tafadzwa Musarara, Mr Alex Mhembere, and Mr Alios Burutsa were part of the core organising team.

Mr Mutashu said they hoped that the ‘E.D. Mnangagwa Business Summit’ will be an annual event which will afford the business community a platform to meet and engage with national leadership on critical economic issues.

Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce (ZNCC).

The Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce (ZNCC) has welcomed the planned interactive session with the President saying this was a grand opportunity to tackle pressing issues and facilitate solid growth in the economy.

ZNCC Matabeleland Chapter chairperson, Mr Mackenzie Dongo, said they feel honoured to host the President as part of their mandate as business member organisations to lobby for a better and conducive operating environment on behalf of the business community.

“We feel honoured to host the highest office in the land and get the opportunity to interact directly as business with His Excellency and share his economic vision for the country so that we pull the rope in the same direction towards achieving our national economic vision,” said Mr Dongo. –chronicle

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