President to headline 9th CEO Africa Annual Roundtable

PRESIDENT Mnangagwa is expected to headline the 9th CEO Africa Annual Roundtable in Victoria Falls in October with organisers saying the continent remains attractive to investors with investments reaching a record US$83 billion in 2021.

The event is being hosted by the CEO Africa Roundtable, a high-level platform for corporate chief executive officers and senior executives, in both the private and public sector.

The platform was created to engender cross-fertilisation of critical economic and business knowledge in and around Africa.

It serves to empower them with a wide range of packages including researched data, synergies, investment facilitation, business and investment profiling.

The 2023 annual roundtable scheduled for the 11th to 14th will run under the theme: “Delivering the Vision: Prospering through Smart Partnerships”.

In a concept note, CEO Africa Roundtable said Africa remains attractive to investors, despite occasionally complex local and geopolitical situations.

“Investments happening in Africa over the past few decades have raised billions of dollars, hitting a record US$83 billion in 2021. There are diverse investment opportunities across the globe, from Cairo to Capetown,” said the organisation.

“CEO Africa Roundtable thrives to provide a viable and significant platform for championing economic growth across the continent. The 9th edition of CEO Africa Roundtable has evolved from a purely annual event to a permanent platform through which African decision-makers can connect with each other continuously, as well as with international investors and institutions operating on the continent,” reads a concept note.

“Thus, CEO Africa Roundtable offer its members and the business leaders’ space for in-person and digital events, experts’ insights, enhance connections and transactions as well as provide room for exchange of ideas and experiences”

Among the expected speakers are Minister of Finance, Economic Development and Investment Promotion Professor Mthuli Ncube, Minister of Industry and Commerce Dr Sithembiso Nyoni, Transport and Infrastructure Development Minister Felix Mhona, Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development Minister Anxious Masuka, Veterans of Liberation Struggle Minister Christopher Mutsvangwa, Environmental Management Agency director general Mr Aaron Chigona, NSSA acting managing director Dr Charles Shava, Dandemutande Investments CEO Mr Never Ncube and Zimbabwe Stock Exchange CEO Mr Justin Bgoni.-chronicle

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