President exhorts miners to practice responsible mining

PRESIDENT Mnangagwa has challenged mining firms in Zimbabwe to demonstrate a greater sense of responsibility in their operations to foster sustainable development as the country moves towards Vision 2030.

Under its Vision 2030, the Government is seeking to transform Zimbabwe to an upper middle-income society.

Officiating at the launch of the Responsible Mining Initiative at State House in Harare yesterday, the President said the scenario where the mining sector is marred with malpractices that include land degradation, haphazard operations conducted outside the confines of the law would never be tolerated.

“The situation where the sector is characterised by malpractices such as environmental degradation, mineral leakages and haphazard operations conducted outside the legal provisions of our country laws can never be condoned.

“You will recall that I brought up the issue of responsible mining and environmental protection by mining entities during my address at the Chamber of Mines annual meeting last year,” he said.

In March this year, the Government permanently shut down Globe and Phoenix Primary School in Kwekwe, Midlands province after 18 pupils were injured when a classroom floor collapsed into an underground mining shaft.

This was due to illegal mining activities by artisanal and small-scale mining operations.

“The centrality of the mining sector in the broader national development, modernisation and industrialisation of our country entails that all stakeholders demonstrate a greater sense of responsibility in the mining activities.

“My Government, thus, saw it fit that we adopt a common vision for sustainable development through responsible mining practices as we march towards Vision 2030.

“As such, the Cabinet has approved the Responsible Mining Initiative to increase oversight over all mining operations as a result of the malpractice evident in this sector,” he said.

Last month, Cabinet approved that an audit under the Responsible Mining Initiative be conducted across the country between May and June to ensure all mining activities are undertaken within the confines of Zimbabwe’s laws.

“This initiative represents an essential milestone in our journey towards a sustainable US$12 billion mining industry,” he said, adding that the initiative was an indispensable undertaking by the Government in its quest to exercise good stewardship over vast natural and mineral resources Zimbabwe is endowed with.

To enhance greater compliance, a Responsible Mining Audit will be conducted countrywide covering the entire mining sector value chain, including small-scale and large-scale mines.

The audit will establish a framework that promotes responsible mining and practices while guaranteeing the well-being of the communities and environments where mining activities are taking place.

“Zimbabwe is open for business and is not open for abuse. The exercise will be conducted by various Government ministries, departments and agencies; audit teams will conduct thorough investigations on activities within the various mining entities with the objectives of highlighting challenges and proffering recommendations towards the overall improvement of our mining sector,” said President Mnangagwa.

He said attention would be accorded to adherence to aspects related to environmental management, immigration, tax, labour relations, and provisions of the Mines and Minerals Act, among others in accordance with the spirit and letter of the laws of the land.

The President said all mining entities with no exception and regardless of size should abide by the country’s laws.

“The onus is on us all, Government and stakeholders alike, to address the shortcomings witnessed within the sector so far.

“Together we thus embrace ethos that minimise harm and maximise benefits for investors and the generality of the people of the Republic of Zimbabwe.

“In line with this, assessments must include potential risks associated with each project before commencement and also incorporate detailed plans for site reclamation upon closure of the mine. By prioritising environmental matters, we are keen to protect our national ecosystem and preserve natural resources for both present and future generations of our country.”

Additionally, he said the Responsible Mining Initiative will put due emphasis on workers’ rights, community engagements as well as health and safety matters.

Addressing the unique priority needs of local communities remains important and employees who are the anchor of productivity within mining activities should be awarded fair wages, said President Mnangagwa.

“Meanwhile, mining entities are challenged by innovations and technology, and establishment of green mining practices around mining areas. In the same vein, investments in research and development towards discovery of new mineral processing methods that are environmentally friendly which also minimise waste production and lower greenhouse gas emissions are also critical.

“As good corporate citizens, mining companies just like other entities across the economy should complement Second Republic’s quest to realise development, modernisation and industrialisation that leaves no one and no place behind.”

He challenged audit teams under the Responsible Mining Initiative to conduct the exercise diligently, with utmost professionalism saying corruption and connivance of any form and kind will not be tolerated.

“I call for unity of purpose and maximum cooperation from mining companies with regards to availing essential information requested by the audit teams. I recently noticed several mining companies flouting the laws that have been pronounced by the Second Republic. Not at night, but during the day.

“Ultimately, this exercise must result in the adoption of an appropriate model of our mining sector, informed by global best practices and blended with Zimbabwe’s unique social-economic realities of our times,” said President Mnangagwa.

In an interview after the launch event, the Chamber of Mines of Zimbabwe chief executive officer Isaac Kwesu whose organisation represents large-scale miners in the country welcomed the adoption of the Responsible Mining Initiative.

“It’s a noble development, our mining industry especially the chamber of mines welcomes this good initiative.

“It’s not something unique to us, it has happened in the world and Zimbabwe is trying also to do as per best practice and responsible mining encourages our mining industry practitioners to comply with the best mining practice in terms of production and processing throughout the whole mining value chain.

“Issues around the economics, social environment of mining are all encompassing this Responsible Mining Initiative. The initiative is something that we are happy to support and our members are committed to provide as much information for the good of responsible mining,” he said.

In a separate interview the Zimbabwe Miners Federation (ZMF) president Henrietta Rushwaya whose organisation represents the small-scale mining industry in the country said those in the mining sector should take heed of the President’s call and follow the detects of the law.

“As small-scale miners we are saying zero tolerance to land degradation because we just don’t need this country for ourselves, we need it for future generations,” she said.-newsday

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