Police warn defiant businesses

Police have warned all defiant businesses who are non-essential services providers to comply with the national lockdown regulations as they tighten restrictions.

This comes as some businesses that are not classified as essential service providers have started operating in defiance of the Level Four lockdown.

In a memo to all officers commanding districts, Officer Commanding Police Harare Province ordered all businesses defying the lockdown regulations to close.

“It has been noted that some individuals and businesses are now operating in violation of Statutory Instrument 10 of 2021, which barred all non essential service providers to operate during the current Level (IV) of National Lockdown.

“Some companies which are not in the category of essential service such as Bata Shoe Company, Bhola Hardware, Furniture and Clothing shops, are conducting business on the strength of letters issued by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and International Trade.

“Commanders should take note of the following – companies and businesses not in the category of essential service but operating should close.

“This is regardless of being in possession of exemption letters. The guiding principle is the Statutory Instrument 10 of 2021 which is very clear on which industry,” reads part of the memo.

According to the regulations, essential service providers are those in the sectors of health including pharmacies, security services, manufacturing, agriculture, mining, energy – ZESA, fuel industry — coal and gas as well as other related entities.

Banking institutions, bureaux de changes, mining services and any service relating to the production, supply, delivery or distribution of food — in particular Supermarkets and food retail stores —are essential services providers together with the communications telecommunication services, including the internet.

The police explained that all arms and organs of the State engaged in providing security services and licensed private security services; Government Printer (Printflow Private Limited), conduct of agricultural activities on farms, the supply of agricultural inputs and stock feeds, supply and distribution of veterinary requirements for domesticated farm and non-dipping of cattle are allowed as essential services providers.

Public transport services shall be restricted to those provided by ZUPCO, Public Service Association and omnibuses or other passenger service vehicles operated or chartered for carriage of essential services staff.

Since March last year, the country has implemented various levels of lockdowns, which were relaxed towards end of the year. But the spike in Covid-19 cases in December and beginning of the year prompted the Government to revert to tighter Level Four restrictions.

In line with new restrictions, no vehicles should be allowed to pass a checkpoint if they are not in the category of essential services while funeral gatherings should stick to
the stipulated maximum number of 30 mourners.

Screening of deserving travellers during curfew times will also be intensified, allowing passage only to those providing essential services.

The conducting of public examinations at schools, colleges, universities or other tertiary Education institutions in accordance with circulars issued by their ministries are allowed.

Individuals engaging in cycling, walking or jogging must wear masks.

“Law enforcement officers manning roadblocks and checkpoints should thus recognise letters issued by the respective Line Ministries provided the entities they work for are exempted by law from lockdown.

“NB, If a company or service for which an exemption letter has been issued is not exempted by law, the bearer should not be allowed to pass or operated, irrespective of who has issued that letter,” says the police.-heral.clz.w

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