Old Mutual financially empowers Matabeleland girl child

Old Mutual has reaffirmed its commitment to helping the youth, particularly the girl child in the Matabeleland region to have a healthier financial life by equipping them with knowledge on how to handle their finances better.

During the just ended Global Money Week (GMW), the diversified financial services group held face-to-face financial literacy training in Bulawayo to mark the 11th edition of the Global Money Week.

GMW is an annual global awareness-raising campaign on the importance of ensuring that youths, from an early age are financially aware, and acquiring the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours necessary to make sound financial decisions to achieve economic well-being and financial resilience.

This year’s Global Money Week was celebrated under the theme ‘Plan your money, plant your future’.

In a statement, Old Mutual said the theme focused on sustainability and raising awareness on the implications of individual financial behaviour not only on one’s financial future but also on the environment and society.

“This theme prompts young people to be forward-looking and to have a broad view of the environment and society in their financial decisions.

Through Old Mutual’s financial education programme – “On The Money” the financial services giant endeavors to educate and equip children and youth with the financial literacy skills to make smart financial decisions,” reads part of the statement.

Old Mutual also joined hands with the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ), Insurance and Pensions Commission (IPEC), Securities and Exchange Commission of Zimbabwe (SECZIM) and the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education to engage schools in Matabeleland North and South of money matters.

“The decision to visit the said provinces was informed by the recent research by Finscope, which showed that there are low literacy levels in the Matabeleland North and South and Mashonaland Central Provinces.

“In addition to the partnerships with the regulators, Old Mutual joined hands with Girls In STEM Trust to impart financial education to over 500 girls from higher institutions of learning and secondary school in Bulawayo.

“Furthermore, a series of On The Money’ financial literacy sessions were executed at the Entrepreneurs Summit held in Bulawayo from 23 – 25 March were over 1300 entrepreneurs attended the enriching summit.”

It said despite Global Money Week commemorations coming to an end, it remains committed to helping young people have a healthier financial life by equipping them with knowledge on how to handle their finances better.-chronicle.co.zw

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