NRZ, Zimasco partnership pays off

THE Public-Private Partnership (PPP) between the National Railways of Zimbabwe (NRZ) and Zimbabwe Mining and Smelting Company (Zimasco) has seen the refurbishment of 51 NRZ wagons specifically designated for transporting ferrochrome for export.

This PPP signifies a strategic alliance offering mutual benefits for both companies and contributing to Zimbabwe’s economic growth.

The initiative aligns with the partnership’s core objective — supporting NRZ in providing efficient logistics for exporting high-grade chromite concentrates.

This, in turn, helps generate the much-needed foreign currency for the nation.

NRZ Public Affairs and Stakeholder Relations Manager Mr Andrew Kunambura said the project has increased NRZ’s capacity while efficiently allocating the refurbished wagons for Zimasco’s chrome exports to ports.

This translates to improved turnaround times, further enhancing operational efficiency.

“This is a PPP arrangement where Zimasco refurbishes our wagons and we offset the cost against that of traffic we move.

“Our strategic partnerships with ZimGas, Strauss and others contribute to infrastructure development, operational capacity, and overall efficiency, these collaborations play a vital role in enhancing rail services and supporting Zimbabwe’s economy,” he said.

NRZ is taking steps to enhance its operations on two fronts.

Mr Kunambura said plans are underway to move grain, with logistics being put in place to ensure efficient transportation.

In a video clip posted by NRZ on its X account (formerly Twitter), Chief Planning Manager, Mr Jacob Chionyere said the refurbished high-sided wagons will be utilised to transport chrome from Zimasco plants to export markets in Maputo and Beira, Mozambique.

“We thought of a strategy of partnering with private players to restore part of the capacity which is stabled to various defects and to that effect we have partnered with Zimasco for the recovery of 100 wagons for general purposes as well as recovering of 3,9 locomotives to dedicate for the movement of their cargo mainly ferrochrome and chrome,” said Mr Chionyere.

Chief Traffic Manager, Mr Gefferson Chimunye, highlighted their collaboration with Zimasco, focusing on the refurbishment of two specific locomotives and the digging out (presumably, for repair) of eleven 3 000-series locomotives currently out of service.

The refurbished locomotives will be deployed across various routes.

“With this partnership, we will greatly benefit our resources in the form of increasing our capacity and in the same, we will be able to meet the loading requirements for Zimasco,” he said.

Mr Chimunye said Zimasco aims to transport at least 5 000 tonnes of chrome every second week from Kwekwe.

Additionally, they plan to move 15 000 tonnes to Beira on a bi-weekly basis.

“Generally we also seek to improve our balance of trade with other countries and bring more foreign countries into the country,” he said. — chroncile

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