NRZ finalise Government support paperwork

THE National Railways of Zimbabwe (NRZ) has said they are finalising all the necessary paperwork and specifications needed for the company to benefit from Government’s support announced in a Cabinet briefing.

This comes after Government considered and approved the Action Plan presented by the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development. In order to improve cargo handling, the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development said it will refurbish 100 wagons and procure additional wagons.

It also noted that the NRZ will improve cargo handling capacity by acquiring 45 coaches this year while the rail track will be rehabilitated in order to remove speed restrictions across 290 kilometres over a period of five years.

“This will reduce the risk of train derailments and reduce turnaround times. Vehicles and trucks will be procured for the enhancement of maintenance operations and monitoring the railway line. The gauge in use for the country’s rail network will be reviewed in order to enhance internal transportation and promote regional integration,” Government announced after a recent Cabinet meeting.

In an interview, NRZ public relations manager Mr Nyasha Maravanyika said the organisation was on course for submitting relevant paperwork and specifications to the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development.

“We gladly appreciate Government’s support towards the National Railways of Zimbabwe, it has spoken and pledged its support. Hence, what is now left is for the organisation to make sure that they prepare all the paperwork and specifications and other details that are needed for Government to refurbish 100 wagons, procure additional wagons and acquire 45 coaches this year,” said Mr Maravanyika.

He also noted that NRZ engineering team and the relevant sections were working tirelessly to get all the quotations that will be presented to the Ministry of Transport to ensure that they get the necessary assistance and funding from Government as soon as possible.

“Our board and management have always projected to have at least 41 locomotives, 300 wagons and 300 coaches.

We believe that these figures will stabilise NRZ, make the organisation break even and achieve its turnaround strategy before it goes to the issues of growth and expansion which are mentioned in the strategic plan.”

Mr Maravanyika said the wagons which were going to be refurbished and the additional ones to be acquired were going to ferry goods based on where the business on the corridors was more inclined at.

“If we have business on the North corridors which is the coal fields corridor it means they will go there. If we have business in the Midlands where we have chrome ore the wagons will go there. I think where they will be carrying traffic from and to where, this is going to be determined by the volumes in terms of our business or where our concentrated traffic of freight is,” he added.

He said the company intends on not wavering from the normal capacity of 100 passengers per coach without standing. In terms of freight volumes, the parastatal target for 2021 was set as a minimum of 4,5 million tonnes compared to the 3,4 target for 2020 which was not achieved as 2,5 million tonnes were

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