New initiative to grow innovation

In a bold move to address the critical issue of access to quality education in Africa, US based Zimbabwean non-profit organisation, known as Annot Inc, is introducing the #EducateMyVillage’ initiative, which seeks to grow innovators out of the grassroots villages.

This also seeks to build business acumenship, investments and inculcate leadership skills in young children from primary school stage, who are usually marginalised and lack access to basic education facilities and learning materials.

Under this programme, Anot aims to mobilise not only Zimbabweans but Africans and the African diaspora to invest in the educational needs of their villages and communities.

In rural villages, lack of funding, long distances to and from schools, poor infrastructure and limited learning material affect rural children from realising their full potential.

Currently, Sub-Saharan Africa faces a dire education crisis, with approximately 98 million children out of school, the highest rate globally.

In Zimbabwe alone, United Nations Educational, Scientic and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) reports that over 886 000 children are not receiving an education. This alarming situation, according to Anot, calls for urgent and innovative solutions to ensure every child has the opportunity to learn.

“Our mission is to mobilise Africans to invest in the educational needs of their villages,” said Ms Chiedza Juru, founder and president of Annot Inc.

“By doing so, we aim to get more children back in school, improve our former schools, and uplift our communities. This approach seeks to create sustainable development models that go beyond education.”

The #EducateMyVillage initiative is built on the belief that Africa’s economic challenges can be overcome through unity and collaboration. While institutional efforts are valuable, there is significant untapped potential within the African diaspora.

With over 200 million people of African descent living outside the continent, this diaspora holds immense potential to drive positive change in Africa, particularly in the field of education.

“The Educate My Village initiative reconnects us with our core African values of Ubuntu – ‘I am because we are.’

“Nearly a million children in Zimbabwe are out of school, and these students are not just statistics; they are our families, neighbours, friends, and future leaders. If each one of us invests in our villages, we can ensure that every child receives an education,” said Marshall Bizure, vice president of finance & grants.

In Zimbabwe, Anot is piloting a project at Materera Primary School in Chihota where the programme will provide scholarships for some pupils at school.

The initiative encourages both Africans and the diaspora to take action within their own communities, promoting the ethos of giving back and responsible citizenship.

Several individuals named Village Beacons have stepped forward to join the #EducateMyVillage challenge running on social media through sharing their stories and commitment to investing in education in their communities.-herald

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