NetOne introduces paperless top-up service

STATE-OWNED telecommunications operator, NetOne, has introduced an electronic airtime top-up service in line with technological advancement while contributing to measures to mitigate against the spread of Covid-19 through social distancing.

Digital solutions have come in handy in reducing physical contact and enhancing convenience when transacting. In her speech during a stakeholder cocktail event hosted by the company in Bulawayo last Friday, a senior NetOne executive, Ms Elmah Dube, said digitising services has brought in numerous benefits to the telecommunications business value chain.

“In line with technological advancement, NetOne recently introduced the electronic top-up service (E-Top Up). Many of you here have already embraced this service and are enjoying great convenience and benefits in the distribution of airtime,” she said.

“E-Top Up as it is known, is an electronic airtime distribution service that allows you our stakeholders to buy and distribute airtime virtually.”
At a time when the country and the world at large are battling the spread and adverse impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, Ms Dube said there was a need to scale up efforts to limit public exposure to the disease.

“There is no need for physical presence when you buy and distribute airtime,” she said.

“NetOne has largely gone paperless. This brings about great convenience as airtime can now be moved 24/7 thus greatly reducing stock outs.”

Ms Dube said the world was evolving towards environmentally friendly business practices hence NetOne was going digital. She said in developing the paperless solution, the company also took into account some of the contributions made by stakeholders.

“We also ensured there are no charges when sending float (airtime) to other dealers or vendors or on a vendor to vendor transfers. What is sent is what is received and sold,” said Ms Dube.

To ensure business remains a going concern, she said, NetOne introduced a discount of 11 percent with a minimum order quantity valued at only $1 000.

“This clearly shows that this service is for everyone. We have already created a support network to ensure that the transactions are flawless,” said Ms Dube.

“We will continue to improve the platform in line with any other suggestions from key stakeholders.”

Ms Dube said the mobile operator would continue working closely with stakeholders to ensure easy distribution and marketing of its products. NetOne has also launched its “GigaThanks Promotion”, which will run until February 2021 and has already started giving away rewards to the more than 300 000 lucky

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