Nationwide electricity supply disruption brings business to a halt

ZIMBABWE experienced a brief nationwide blackout Tuesday as power outages continue to rock the country.

Most traffic lights in and around the Central Business District (CBD) of Harare were not functioning as a result of the power cut.

Ear-splitting noise emanating from generators could be heard across the CBD as most traders staggered to keep their operations running.

The level of incessant power cuts even delayed court proceedings at the Harare Magistrates Court, where virtual cases were halted.

Despite network challenges emanating from the black out, Twitter was abuzz with Twimbos giving updates from different locations.

“As usual Kudzi is off the mark…. The whole nation was plunged into darkness from 10:20 to 11:30 .. including mines which don’t suffer from loadshedding,” twitted one Nickson Mhofu.

“Zimboz on the ground, do you have electricity in your town right now? My fellows in H-Town are telling me kuti tonaz magetsi dololo?,” wrote another user on Twitter.

Prior to earlier claims by Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (ZETDC) that power outages were being caused by increased economic activities, the power utility group last week issued a statement saying the intensified load shedding was a result of technical challenges in Kariba and Hwange.

“ZETDC would like to advise it’s valued customers that there is increased load curtailment from the 24th of September 2022.

“This is due to technical challenges being experienced at our Kariba and Hwange Power Stations as well as import constraints.

“The utility is therefore conducting a maintenance exercise to ensure full restoration of service,” read the statement.

Complaints have, however, been raised on the need for ZETDC to release a load shedding timetable.

Latest data from the Zimbabwe Power Company shows that the country is generating just 1 029 MW today against peak demand in excess of 1 700 MW.-newzim

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