MP urges Zimbabweans to seize investment opportunities

MUDZI West legislator, Cde Knowledge Kaitano, has urged Zimbabweans to seize investment opportunities presented by natural resources in their respective communities.
He made the remarks in Victoria Falls during a tour of National Railways of Zimbabwe (NRZ) properties by the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Transport and Infrastructure Development, which he chairs.
Cde Kaitano emphasized the importance of leveraging local natural resources to stimulate economic growth and development.
His call to action encourages communities to explore and invest in the potential of their natural assets, promoting sustainable development and economic empowerment at the grassroots level.
Cde Kaitano said while Zimbabwe is endowed with vast natural resources ranging from minerals, land, water, forests and wildlife among others, locals mostly benefit through jobs yet they can also start businesses in any sector.
In Victoria Falls Cde Kaitano noted the vast untapped opportunities Zimbabweans can take in tourism, conservation and other areas.
Regarding his district, Cde Kaitano said there are vast opportunities in renewable energy, fish farming, livestock farming and mining which locals should tap into.
Mudzi District has a population of 158 478 according to the 2022 census and is divided into Mudzi West, Mudzi East, and Mudzi Central.
The district is located along the Harare-Nyamapanda highway and links the country with Mozambique.
Cde Kaitano said while there are small projects of small livestock such as goats, there is potential to expand into bigger viable projects as the climate permits.
“We are yet to have a bigger project on goat farming although there are small projects that are happening. We need more investment in small livestock, fish farming, and solar energy which has not been invested despite the huge opportunities,” he said.
“We have lots of gold and sizeable amounts of lithium in the district. However, it is the participation of our people in these activities that is worrisome. Their participation sometimes only comes as workers, but with the coming in of the Second Republic, we have seen certain areas that were designated as exclusive prospecting orders and now being parcelled out to locals.”
Cde Kaitano said there are also opportunities in public service such as schools, health facilities and road infrastructure construction.
He said the Second Republic under President Mnangagwa had made significant strides in empowering Zimbabweans.-chrncil

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