‘More local products occupying shelf space’

LOCALLY produced goods have increased shelf space occupancy in shops to 80 percent this year from 55 percent last year as domestic businesses continue to ramp up output in response to supportive Government policy measures.

The Ministry of Industry and Commerce said this in a latest statement where it highlighted some of the strides being made by the sector since the coming in of the Second Republic led by President Mnangagwa.

Since assuming power in 2017, the President has clearly articulated his vision to transform Zimbabwe’s economy towards an upper middle-income status by 2030.

One of his strategies towards this vision is through facilitating robust industrialisation and expanding job opportunities along major value chains.

In its statement, the ministry said President Mnangagwa’s Government has ushered in commendable socio-economic progress that has improved the country’s manufacturing sector.

Through the National Development Strategy 1(2021 2025), the ministry said the domestic manufacturing sector was on rebound as evidenced by the jump in capacity utilisation and more shelf space occupied by local produce.

“Capacity utilisation has increased from 47 percent in 2020 to 66 percent, which is a clear indicator that the manufacturing sector is on the rebound,” reads the statement.

“Further evidence of improved capacity utilisation is the increase in shelf-space occupancy of domestic products from 55 percent in 2021 to the current 80 percent.”

Despite the disruptive impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in the last two years, the ministry said President Mnangagwa’s leadership has enabled the country’s private sector to continue to attract capitalisation as they grow their business.

This has seen the country being able to produce its own goods and services to substitute imports. These are being made possible by the continued provision of fiscal incentives to local industry to drive domestication of value chains while diversifying the export revenue basket.

The ministry pledged to aggressively pursue a robust industrialisation agenda to structurally transform the economy from primary-based products to highly-valued manufactured goods through value addition and mineral beneficiation of natural resource endowments.

It said the import substitution strategy has also started bearing fruit as shown by improving local production volumes, jump in exports and creation of more employment.

“There are industrialisation projects that were established in marginalised locations where resource endowments are located, including Mount Meru in Mahusekwa, G&W Industrial Minerals in Rushinga, and Agri-Value Chain in Chegutu, Bata Shoe Company in Midlands, Beitbridge Juicing Company in Matabeleland South, among others,” said the ministry.

“This agenda is being attained through domestication of quick-wins and low-hanging value chains, which are agro-based such as sugar, dairy, leather, cotton, and soya, pharmaceutical, iron and steel, bus and truck, and plastic waste.”


The ministry also said it is working towards making sure that fertiliser is available for local use and for exports. To scale up the momentum, President Mnangagwa in September this year officially commissioned the ZimPhos fertiliser blender.

“The blender is already producing NPK Basal blend D from the raw materials available. To further highlight the commitment to foster industry capacitation, ZimPhos recently received a fertiliser granulation plant, which is awaiting installation, and production is expected in early 2023,” said the ministry.

“In support of the President’s vision, the ministry is implementing policies and actions that are critical in promoting consumer protection, standards and quality assurance, and export development.”

Government has also stressed the need to protect consumers through appointment of a seven-member Consumer Protection Commission with a mandate to protect consumers and regulate accreditation of consumer protection advocacy groups among other key functions. —-chronie.zw

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