Milk Shortage Attributed To Too Much Rainfall

Zimbabwe has recently experienced a shortage of fresh milk with some supermarkets now restricting the amount of milk one can buy.

A report by NewZWire, citing dairy producers, reveals three main reasons why milk is in short supply.

According to Dairibord, the country’s biggest dairy company, excessively wet weather is bad for milk production. The company said:

A cow produces a hormone that stimulates milk production. When conditions are adverse, the hormone is suppressed resulting in reduced milk production. Milk production yields drop as much as 50%.

Excessively wet conditions induce bacterial infections in cows which also suppress milk production.

The second reason why milk has been in short supply is that the processing of the multiple permits required to import milk powders is now taking longer.

Moreover, COVID-19 protocols affected worldwide shipping and at borders, are causing delays to delivery of milk powders and other raw materials.

The third reason is the sharp rise in the price of stock feed over the past year, and this affects production of milk.

More: newZWire

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