Meikles reduces non-renewable energy sources usage

Diversified hospitality group, Meikles Limited said it will use alternative and cleaner energy sources in its operations as it reduces usage of non-renewable energy sources.

To get a buy-in from stakeholders, the group is soliciting staff support for participation in energy efficiency and appointing energy and water champions per branch.

In its annual report for the year ended February 28, 2023, the entity said managing energy is part of its efforts towards being a sustainable and responsible business as energy costs may have a significant impact on downstream operations.

It added that the use of renewable energy, reduction of emissions and biodegradable materials form part but not all the key areas of opportunity for the business to mitigate against climate change.

“Managing energy is part of our efforts towards being a sustainable and responsible business as energy costs may have a significant impact on our downstream operations.

“It is therefore important to adopt strategies that can optimise energy consumption, reduce wastages and increase efficiency.

“We seek to rely more on alternative and cleaner energy sources while reducing usage of non-renewable energy sources,” said the company.

It further noted that the use of renewable energy, reduction of emissions and biodegradable materials form part but not all the key areas of opportunity for the business to mitigate against climate change.

“Use of solar systems and gas has helped in reducing our contributions to global warming.”

The Government crafted the national renewable energy policy strategy to achieve and install a renewable capacity of 1 100MW or 16,5 percent of total electricity by 2025.

By 2030, the target is that the installed renewable energy capacity should be 2 100MW or 26,5 percent of the overall electricity supply.

To achieve the objective of powering the economy towards upper middle-income by 2030, Government undertook to upgrade, rehabilitate and maintain its existing power generation infrastructure with priority being given to the development of new generation capacity through fast-tracking ongoing projects and opening new energy sources, which take cognisance of a diversified energy mix.

Zimbabwe is also a signatory to the Paris Agreement and has set targets to reduce carbon emissions in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC).

Meikles Limited’s goals include lowering electricity and avoiding any regulatory fines and penalties by ensuring compliance.

“Our subsidiaries verify electricity consumption monthly and use the information to evaluate and monitor energy management system efficiencies. Energy and water saving campaigns started in 2021 and have been ongoing since then.

“Meikles Limited is putting in place a system to measure energy consumption accurately by all subsidiaries.

“We considered ongoing peer learning by engaging businesses that have made strides in integrating clean energy into their operations.”


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