Majuru appointed Commisioner-General for Expo 2025 Osaka

THE six-month long Expo 2025 Osaka in Japan will present the country with a perfect
opportunity to market Brand Zimbabwe to the world, promote trade and investment
opportunities and to advance the re-engagement thrust with the international
community, a Cabinet minister has said.

Zimbabwe has confirmed its participation at the expo set to attract approximately 28
million visitors.

It will run under the theme “Designing Future Society for our Lives” from 13 April to 13
October, 2025.

Government has already appointed the country’s trade development and promotion
agency ZimTrade chief executive officer Mr Allan Majuru as the Commissioner General
for the expo.

On Tuesday, the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Hon
Professor Amon Murwira presented a report to the Cabinet detailing the country’s
preparedness status.

Briefing the media after the Cabinet meeting, Information, Publicity and Broadcasting
Service Minister Monica Mutsvangwa said following the highly successful Expo 2020
Dubai in which the country effectively participated, said Zimbabwe has been allocated an
80m2 stand for its exhibition, meetings and commercial activities.

“The six-month expo will run under the theme ‘Designing Future Society for our Lives’,
and is expected to attract approximately 28 million visitors. Government has appointed    
Mr Allan Majuru, the Chief Executive Officer of ZimTrade as the Commissioner-General
for Expo 2025 Osaka,” said Minister Mutsvangwa

Minister Mutsvangwa said the country will use the opportunity to promote the Brand
Zimbabwe campaign and showcase its social and cultural diversity.
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Senator Monica Mutsvangwa
Added to that, it will be a platform to also promote Zimbabwe’s trade and investment
opportunities as well as tourist attractions, benchmark Zimbabwe’s innovations,
products and processes against international best practices and to re-engage with the
international community.

To upscale preparations, a National Co-ordinating Committee has been tasked to oversee
preparations for Expo 2025 Osaka, she noted.

“The private sector is represented by the Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries (CZI),
the Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce (ZNCC), Chamber of Mines of Zimbabwe,
the Small and Medium Enterprises Association, and the Shipping and Forwarding Agents
Association of Zimbabwe, among other business associations.

“Participants from the private sector are being encouraged to sponsor their
participation, and to profile their investment projects, develop robust digital marketing
platforms and enhance product and service visibility. A robust communication and
publicity strategy will be developed to ensure adequate information dissemination and
raise awareness of the Expo 2025 prior to, during and after the Expo.”

During the Expo Dubai 2020, the country put up a solid campaign, which yielded several
business deals worth millions of dollars in key sectors.
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The pavilion attracted thousands of visitors where diverse local products and services
were exhibited as part of efforts to expand the country’s export market and lure
investment into the economy.
National Development Strategy 1 (NDS1)
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Developing an export-led economy is crucial under the National Development Strategy
(NDS1:2021-2025), the five-year Government blue-print that builds towards realising an
upper middle-income vision by 2030.
As the country drives to rejuvenate its productive sectors with a bias on domestic value
addition and beneficiation, economic experts have stressed the need to secure new
markets and diversifying product range to ensure the country competes on a global scale.
This has seen Zimbabwe increasing its participation at major investment and trading
platforms across the globe while intensifying the international engagement and reengagement programme, which is anchored on economic diplomacy.- The Chronicle

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