Liquid Intelligent penetrates US internet market

LIQUID Intelligent Technologies (Liquid) is opening a new Internet Point of Presence (POP) in Miami, Florida, that will connect the United States to its African network via the South Atlantic SACS and MONET subsea cables, according to DevelopingTelecoms.Com — a leading source of emerging markets news for the industry.

AS part of Liquid’s East-West route between the US and Asia via Africa, it said the new POP is connected to Liquid’s 100 000km of fibre across 11 countries on the continent, and another 14 countries via the Operators Alliance Programme and Liquid Satellite Services.

African businesses and consumers will be able to benefit from the direct connection to the USA, which will provide access to Cloud services, OTT resources, Internet content and high-quality voice and video calls with family and business partners.

David Eurin, the chief executive officer of Liquid Sea, said: “The new POP in Miami will enable US-based operators, businesses, OTT, Cloud service providers and CDN operators to access 40 data centres across Africa, including nine data centres operated by Africa Data Centres and six operated by Teraco.

“We will be able to interconnect with all our partners in the USA and provide a direct onnection to US Internet resources to our Africa customers”.

Liquid, which is part of the Econet Global group, will connect to Miami via Fortaleza in Brazil and Luanda in Angola via the South Atlantic SACS and MONET subsea cables.

The POP will be hosted at the Equinix data centre in Miami and to guarantee the best evel of service, Liquid will peer at Equinix Miami Internet Exchange (MI3 in Boca Raton) with access to 116 potential peers, including most of the largest US companies.

Liquid could already provide access to all data centres and millions of destinations in North America through its partnership with ZAYO.

This connection comes off the back of the recent announcements of a $300 million loan by USA-based DFC and a new equity investment of approximately US$90 million by the IFC into Liquid’s data centre capacity expansion in Africa through Africa Data Centres.

Liquid has also introduced its partnership with Facebook to build a fibre network in the Democratic Republic of Congo that is expected to improve internet access for more than 30 million people and help meet the growing demand for regional connectivity across Central Africa.

With the Miami POP and new direct link across the South Atlantic, latency is expected to fall by 100ms to 163ms.

Currently, Cape Town to Miami is sitting at 263ms via Europe. Video calls will be faster and of better quality thanks to a direct lower latency

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