Kreston Zimbabwe celebrates 10th anniversary

I come before you today with a heart full of gratitude to God Almighty, the anchor and director of our journey. It is only by His divine guidance and provision that we stand here, celebrating the 10th anniversary of Kreston Zimbabwe. Without His unwavering hand leading us, we would not be where we are today.

A good evening to our distinguished guests, honoured attendee, SEC CEO here present, PAAB Secretary, PAOs, esteemed partners, associate partners and directors, staff, clients and friends. It is with great pleasure and a deep sense of gratitude that I welcome you all here today to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Kreston Zimbabwe.

To my esteemed partners – Tinashe, Victor, Chipo, Ronald, Timothy, Hebert, Christine and Stancy, your steadfast commitment and innovative spirit have been the driving force behind Kreston Zimbabwe’s success since we started 10 years ago to date. Your expertise, tireless work ethic, and dedication to our clients have been instrumental in positioning us as one of the sought after professional services firm in the country and going out into the region. I am immensely grateful for your partnership and look forward to many more years of growth and achievement together.

I would also like to express my most sincere and heartfelt appreciation to our valued clients, both present and absent. Without your unwavering trust, your steadfast partnership, and your support, we would not be standing here today, celebrating the tremendous success of Kreston Zimbabwe. You have been the driving force behind all that we have achieved, and we are truly honoured and humbled to have had the privilege of serving you and contributing to the growth and prosperity of your businesses and we look forward to strengthening our built relations in the future. To each and every one of our clients, we owe you an immense debt of gratitude. Your confidence in our abilities, your willingness to collaborate with us, and your commitment to our shared goals have been instrumental in shaping our firm into the respected alternative it is today. We are profoundly grateful for the opportunity to work alongside you and play a role in the remarkable accomplishments of your organisations.

To our esteemed partners in the industry and respected industry peers, we extend our deepest gratitude.

Your guidance, your mentorship, and your collaborative spirit have been invaluable assets in our journey. Your willingness to share your hard-earned knowledge, invaluable insights, and unparalleled expertise has been instrumental in shaping the direction of our firm and helping us navigate the ever-evolving challenges of the environment in which we operate.

Your commitment to the betterment of our profession and your dedication to fostering a spirit of collaboration have been true inspirations to us all. We have never wanted to compete with you, but to be partners for the good of us all. We are honoured to call you our partners and peers, and we look forward to many more years of fruitful collaboration and mutual success. (EY, Mazars, KPMG, Crowe, Baker Tilly, Dereflection)

A very special mention to PAAB, ICAZ, ACCA, CIMA, IAC, CAA, SEC and Zimbabwean universities. No speech celebrating the success of Kreston Zimbabwe would be complete without a special mention of the esteemed professional bodies, regulators and respected academic institutions that have been instrumental in our journey. Your steadfast support, your unwavering commitment, and your genuine passion for the accounting profession and capital markets have been key pillars in the achievements we celebrate here today. We look forward to many more years of fruitful collaboration as we continue to push the boundaries of excellence together.

To our former employees, we owe you a profound debt of gratitude.

I know many of our former employees have gone on to achieve remarkable success locally and beyond the borders of our great country Zimbabwe. Your contributions, your unwavering dedication, and your passionate commitment to our mission have left an indelible mark on the very fabric of our organisation. We are immensely proud to have been a part of your professional journeys and to have played a role in shaping the remarkable individuals you have become. The success of our alumni is a testament to the strength of the foundation we have built together, and we look forward to continued collaboration and support as you continue to thrive in your endeavours.

We are honoured to have had the opportunity to work alongside you and you will always be a cherished part of the Kreston Zimbabwe family.

And to our remarkable team of current employees, words cannot express the depth of my admiration and appreciation for your tireless efforts, your unwavering commitment, and your relentless pursuit of excellence. It is your hard work, your innovation, and your unwavering dedication that have propelled Kreston Zimbabwe to the heights we have reached today. A special mention goes to our support system – our bankers, namely African Century Limited. We are glad to have walked this journey together as you supported all our efforts to do business in this country.

Ladies and gentlemen, as we gather here today to celebrate this momentous occasion, I am filled with a profound sense of pride and excitement for the future. Let us take a moment to reflect on the remarkable journey that has brought us to this point and, look ahead to the boundless possibilities that lie before us.

A mere decade ago in 2014, now Kreston Zimbabwe, started as MJV Chartered Accountants, with just a single employee, operating out of a decent two-room office in the Avenues area, in a month’s time we added three more people as we grew our team. In less than a year, we relocated the business to Newlands and brought on three additional team members. Those initial years were certainly not without their challenges. The consultancy market was highly saturated with registered and unregistered players, but we refused to be deterred. Instead, we worked tirelessly, leveraging our expertise, fostering innovation, and maintaining an unwavering customer-centric approach.

Through sheer determination, we were able to gradually carve out our own niche in the industry. In 2019 MJV joined Kreston Global and the same time we also moved our offices to Smatsatsa Office Park as it offered more space for our growing staff complement which currently sits close to 80. In 2020 we then rebranded to Kreston Zimbabwe, as you know it today.

As we mark this milestone anniversary, I am reminded of the grit and determination that has carried us this far. The path has not always been easy, but with the support of our dedicated team and the trust of our valued clients, we have weathered every challenge and emerged stronger. Today, we stand poised to continue our trajectory of growth, ever-expanding our reach and elevating the Kreston Zimbabwe name to new levels of success. We always ask ourselves these questions:

  1. How can we serve our clients in the various disciplines better?
  2. How can we support those businesses often neglected because of their size?
  3. How can we grow people’s businesses?

Through sheer determination and a laser-sharp focus on delivering exceptional service in Audit & Assurance, Accounting, and Tax & Business Advisory, we slowly but surely began to build a reputation for quality, reliability, timeous delivery and trustworthiness. Our client base grew, and we attracted some of the brightest minds in the field to join our team.

As the years have passed, our hard work and dedication has paid off. Kreston Zimbabwe has gained recognition as a trusted, innovative accounting and advisory firm, known for its depth of expertise, industry knowledge, and unwavering commitment to our clients. In the past decade, we have expanded our service offerings, diversified our portfolio, and opened offices in Zambia, strategically positioning ourselves to serve a wider range of clients across various sectors. As our firm continued to evolve, we later introduced an IT Audit department to further enhance our capabilities and provide specialized services to our clients. And today, we are excited to announce the launch of Kreston Zimbabwe Trustee Services, an additional service offering that will complement our existing suite of solutions.

From the very beginning, we have been steadfastly committed to giving back to the communities we serve. This has been a core tenet of our corporate identity; woven into the fabric of our operations and the way we do business. Over the years, we have actively engaged in pro bono work, lending our expertise and resources to support those in need. Whether it’s providing free financial advisory services to local charities and non-profit organizations or offering tailored accounting solutions to small businesses and start-ups, we believe in leveraging our capabilities to make a tangible difference. We believe our commitment to the community extends far beyond just professional services.

We have proudly supported a wide range of local charitable initiatives, from organising donation drives and fundraising events to sponsoring educational programs and community development projects. These efforts not only align with our core values of integrity, inclusivity, and social responsibility, but also serve to strengthen the bonds between Kreston Zimbabwe and the people we are honoured to serve.

As we celebrate this momentous 10-year milestone, I am particularly proud of the positive impact we have been able to make on the lives of those around us. It is this spirit of generosity and social consciousness that will continue to guide us as we chart the next chapter of our journey. Together, we will keep finding new ways to uplift our communities and create lasting change.

Looking ahead, we are filled with excitement and a renewed sense of purpose. We are committed to building on the solid foundation we have established and expanding our reach, both geographically and in terms of the services we offer. We will continue to be innovative, to embrace emerging technologies, and to stay ahead of the curve to ensure that Kreston Zimbabwe remains relevant to the accounting and business advisory industry.

Ladies and gentlemen, today marks a significant milestone in our journey, but it is merely the beginning of a new chapter. As we celebrate our 10th anniversary, with the Almighty on our side, we rededicate ourselves to the values that have brought us this far – excellence, integrity, and a relentless pursuit of success for our clients and our community.

Last but not least, to my beautiful wife Rutendo, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to you.

Your unwavering support throughout this journey has been my anchor through every challenge and triumph. Thank you for being my rock, my confidante and my greatest supporter.

Thank you all for being a part of this remarkable journey. We look forward to another 10 years filled with more growth and greater success!-herald

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