Infrastructure drive boosts PPC Zimbabwe operations

LEADING cement manufacturing company, PPC Zimbabwe, says its volumes and revenue have been boosted by the Government’s ongoing public infrastructure investment programmes.

The National Development Strategy (NDS1 2021-2025) identifies infrastructure development as one of the top priorities towards rejuvenating the economy.

This has seen Treasury allocating the bulk of resources in the National Budget to sprucing up public infrastructure such as roads rehabilitation, housing, dams, hospitals, ports of entry, bridges, schools and institutions of higher learning, among others.

These have increased aggregate demand for domestic raw material supplies and skills absorption, which are benefiting a diversity of businesses and helping create jobs.

On Friday PPC Zimbabwe managing director, Mr Kelibone Masiyane, told a visiting delegation led by Industry and Commerce Deputy Minister, Raj Modi, that the public infrastructure drive was impacting positively on the economy.

He said as cement suppliers, PPC was among the businesses benefiting from the robust infrastructure development programme across the country.

Mr Masiyane also commended the Government for the continued support to the company.

As you can see, we’re producing and we have been producing.
Yes, we have been facing challenges here and there but I must acknowledge the support we are getting from Government,” he said.

“What we also have to acknowledge is the infrastructural investment that Government is doing, which has seen our volumes grow.

So, we really appreciate that from a business perspective.” Mr Masiyane expressed optimism that the country’s future was poised for solid development as the Government was working closely with the private sector to bring about business transformation.

He said progress was not only being seen on Government capital projects but there was also more activity in the retail sector as well.

“The future looks great and the reason we are doing all this investment is because there is a lot of activity on the retail side,” said Mr Masiyane.

“Individual home builders are involved in lots of construction of houses. Again, if you look at the Beitbridge-Harare Road construction, we supply all the six contractors there.”

PPC Zimbabwe is one of the thriving giant Bulawayo companies with operations in Colleen Bawn and the recently commissioned Msasa plant in Harare.

Last year PPC indicated focus on its Colleen Bawn plant to improve environmental compliance following the installation of a bag filter for the main kiln stack in March to April 2022.

The firm is also prioritising reducing carbon footprint, focusing on thermal and electrical energy efficiencies, consumption and cost reduction.

At its cement plant in Bulawayo, PPC has said it would increase the level of automation to improve customer service, particularly in packaging units.

On both Harare and Bulawayo plants, the manufacturing concern aims to continue decreasing carbon footprint by further reducing the clinker factor.-The Chronicle

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